Trash grier

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We put on fake mustaches and got ready to take the trash.
We also put on some uniforms.

We drove all the way to his Florida vacation home in Miami where he was staying at the time.

We went through the gates and the sniper was aiming right at us from above.
"HEY CALM DOWN WERE THE GARBAGE LADIES!" I yelled. And he pointed it away.
We pulled up near the dumpster that was on the side of the house right below a window on the second floor.
We grabbed it and it started pulling up but got stuck a quarter of the way.
Them it started making a horrible screeching noise as it tried to move forward but couldn't.
"OWWWWW MY EARS!!!" Yelled aysia.
"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON OUT HEAR?!" Yelled Nash who stuck his head and torso out the window right above where the dumpster was.
The dumpster kept screeching and he stuck his body out further to look.
The sniper went inside to use the restroom and to get away from the horrible noise.
Suddenly the grabber made an even louder, yet quick banging noise before lunging upward and yanking Nash out the window, into the dumpster, and into the shoot.
He was unable to get out and sat in trash.
We drove back and when we got there, tied him next to Luke.

"So I guess we got a bonus treasure too, huh girls?" Said Aysia.
"Yeah I guess so. We got Nash and his trash." I said.
"Trashy Nashy!" Said bry,
And we all laughed.

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