Garbage for days

18 2 0

Once we got back to the house in Gainesville, we dumped out all the garbage and stacked it in a pile. We all walked into the house and saw Luke I the floor eating more ants.
"EW!" Yelled Aysia.
"Just ignore it." I said.
We all sat at our little wooden table and I took some bread we got, and put it on the table.
"Who wants a garbage sand which?" I said.
They both looked at me like I was a freak.
"Oh and I stole this garbage from Nashe's house Bry." I lied to make her eat it.
"Yeah right!" Said Aysia.
"Hey we should actually steal some from his house!" Said bry.
"But how?" I said.
"We can't get near there without getting shot! Ever since we kidnapped him, he realized how psycho his fans are and now had an on-guard sniper at all times." I said.
Aysia started giggling.
"What Aysia? What is it?" Bry said.
"I have an idea!" She said with a grin on her face.
"We should dress up as garbage ladies and use the truck to collect his garbage, and then take it back here!" Aysia said.
"Well it's not really STEALING if the garbage is meant to be taken!" I said.
And so off we went.

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