Headed For the Castle

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"Are you alright?"

Jesse, still a bit dazed from the combination of being attacked and then somehow meeting Gabriel the Warrior, could only nod weakly. She couldn't help noting that his voice was deep and strong, which was rather suiting for him, in her opinion.

She mentally shook her head, focusing on the fact that they were still surrounded, and only one of them had a weapon. Then again, given who it was...

"Follow me, alright? I'll lead the way away from them all."

She gave him a stronger nod, looking determined to not be a burden. As soon as he began to move, cutting down the creatures in their way, she made sure to stick close and follow him as he made a path through the mob and got them away safely.

He was amazing, and she couldn't believe she was able to see him at work like this and be saved by him.

When they were far enough away, he turned to her. "I'm Gabriel, though you might probably already know me," he gave her a reserved grin.

She didn't let herself be shy or intimidated, and gave a wide, friendly grin (though admittedly, she was kind of...embarrassingly fangirling on the inside, even if Soren had been her favorite of the Order; besides, Gabriel was a close second).

"I'm Jesse! I do know who you are, but I'm more appreciative of the fact that you saved me," she ended on a wry note, placing her hand on the back of her neck and her grin became a little shier. "Thank you so much."

His reserved grin softened slightly. "You are welcome, and please call me Gabriel. There was no way I would have just let you be attacked like that. What were you doing all alone out here though?"

Jesse refrained from grimacing. "There was an incident at the Building Competition, which upset my best friend and who ran away all the way out here."

"I see. Where is he now?" though Gabriel had a frown on his face.

"I told Reuben to run back to Endercon, while I created a distraction," she told the famous man. "I had a wooden sword I was using earlier, but unfortunately it broke not long after I had Reuben run away. Thankfully you came along though."

"I'm glad to be of service," he told her sincerely, and she couldn't help the flush her face took on. Geez, and he was so chivalrous too. That wasn't something that was common much these days, and she could definitely appreciate it. "Come, I'll lead the way back."

Though she did come a little closer and followed his lead, she couldn't help being a little curious herself.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but I was wondering why you were out here yourself?" she asked hesitantly.

"Ah yes. I don't mind. The truth is that I decided to take a walk and hopefully clear my head and prepare for my appearance at the convention," Gabriel smiled slightly. "Slay an Ender Dragon, fine. Go talking in front of a large audience? I'll need some time to prep and hopefully give myself a pep talk!"

Jesse laughed at that, taken aback by how easy it was to relax and be comfortable in front of such a legendary person.

"Really? I've always thought you were so brave that nothing would scare you," Jesse told him.

Gabriel looked hesitant for a moment, before he gave her an uneasy look. "Everyone has their fears. It just depends on what it is."

"So what's yours?" Jesse asked, before she realized how personal that was. "Not that you have to answer that!"

But Gabriel only gave her a smile that seemed a little off, though Jesse dismissed that as something she imagined.

"My fear? I have yet to find it. I'm sure I'll find one though," the two of them shared a quiet laugh at that.

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