Chapter 11

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Author's note: Thanks for the 255 reads! You guys are also probably saying "Autumn is way too sensitive." Well, there's a reason why. It''ll be explained in this chapter... 

He's coming to kill you.

Ryder and Julius are soon forgotten as my eyes widen at the message and I can't help but panic. It's been years since it happened, but I can't just forget that. Convinced that this is all just a nightmare, I pinch myself. Nothing happened. I can't deal with this yet, so I crawl into bed, even though it's only 9:00. I didn't know that I would have memories overnight...

I open my eyes and wish I didn't. I'm in a room with steel walls and bloody wooden floorboards. The copper scent of blood overwhelms my nose and makes my head spin. There's shes everywhere, as if there was a fire recently. But the most gruesome detail is the picture in front of me. There's a shelf with a picture of me and my parents beside my actual parents hanging upside-down from the ceiling in ropes. I try to scream, but I'm gagged with a white button-down shirt that's seems out of place in the messy room; it's too clean. 

"Hello." My eyes widen at the familiar voice. Who is that? I already know the answer before he walks in front of me: Theo. My ex-boyfriend... "I thought I heard a familiar voice from the choir room. Now, can you tell me something? Who are those boys that you always hang out with?" His blue eyes seemed so kind and dreamy before; now they only seem cold and cruel. Synthetic lights create a little glow from his black hair and highlight his tall frame. "I think you need to be taught a lesson..."

I wake up with a start, gasping and trying to catch my breath. I pause when a clatter sounds from my window. I assume that it's Ry, who always threw pebbles at my window to get my attention. But when I open it, I realize it's someone almost exactly the opposite of Ry.


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