Chapter 6

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*Author's note; Ok, first of all, Thanks for the 100 and something reads on this book. My other book: Traitors only has 88 reads and my other other book: Three boys and a Nicolas only has like 13. So, since this book is apparently the most popular, I'm gonna work more on this than the other ones. Second, I need some ideas so please, please, please, give me ideas by private message or something. I'll give you credit.

I wake up to the sunlight streaming in through the windows. It may be fall, but there's still a bit of summer left. I smile, forgetting everything for a moment. Then I frown, noticing something different. My eyebrows furrow as I try to figure out what it is. The scent of... maple syrup? Waffles? And the sound of cooking in the kitchen?

"Dad?" I yell, confused.

"Morning, sweetheart!" My dad yells back, as I walk into the kitchen. I'm speechless...

"I thought you already left for work." My dad chuckles at this.

"Well, usually. Today, the head office lab called to tell me that I'm off for work today and tomorrow." I grin, walking over to the waffle-maker with a plate of waffles already beside it. "Oh, uncle Jim dropped the regular fortune cookie package by the living room." 

"Ok." I smile again, happy that my dad knows me that well. I grab myself a plate and 2 waffles with some maple syrup. I sit at the counter that separates the kitchen and dining room. "By the way, I can't do any father-daughter time tonight." 

"Why not?" my dad asks, walking over to sit by me with a plate of waffles.

"I'm going to a friend's house for a project." I reply, hoping that my dad won't ask the usual question. Unfortunately, my dad seems extremely alert. 

"Boy or girl?" my dad asks yet again. I wince, hoping my dad might still let me go over to Julius' house.

"Umm... boy?" I say, putting on a hopeful and innocent face even as my dad raises an eyebrow.

"Is it Ryder?" my dad asks, putting his fork down. 

"No. It's Julius." My dad looks at me sternly.

"Julius Reed?" my dad asks quietly. He might not be yelling, but the stern and emotionless expression on his face is telling me that he's mad. Really mad.

"Yes?" I say this in a tone that nervously suggests innocence. "Please dad. I already chose him as my partner for chemistry and I can't change it." My dad's gaze hardens and he eats his last bite of waffle. Then, he leaves without another word. I take in a deep breath with a shudder. In a small town like Grapevine, everyone knows Julius; like I said: star of the football and basketball teams. He's almost always on the front page of the sports section on the newspaper. But Julius is also known for being a huge player. He's broken so many girls' hearts, no one even keeps track of it. It's probably why my dad won't allow my to see him. I sigh at this as I remember the unspoken disagreement. I flop onto the couch after I finish eating my waffles and pick up a small plastic package in the huge bowl of fortune cookies on the coffee table in front of the TV. I break it and read the fortune as I eat the cookie. 

Sometimes, the youth will disobey their elders. 

I gasp and I sit up, forgetting this new...thing in all the chaos that is Ryder and Julius and Dad. I've always been good at interpreting this kind of language and I know that it's saying that I'll go see Julius for our project even with Dad's disagreement. I can't even say no because I know that this is true. Nonetheless, I can't help wincing at the expression on Ry's face when he's realized that I'd break dad's rules for Julius. What is wrong with me? I've never gone head over heels for anyone, much less 2 boys. I can't even choose one! I've had a crush on my attractive best friend for years, at the same time having a crush with the football and basketball star every girl in Texas probably likes. My mind is going crazy with the chaos in my life. Anyways, right now I'm gonna try to do something about this fortune cookie thing. I don't think it's telling me what to do rather than telling me the...future. I can tell the future? WHAT?! I don't even know. I look at the clock on the white wall and realize it's 10:00. I get up and take a shower since I have to be at Julius' at 12:00. After that, I quickly changed into a cyan turtleneck and blue jeans. I quietly walk outside and head over to my white toyota. Before I can change my mind, I start the engine and go, looking into the rearview mirror at the same time. I see my dad running out on the driveway and I know from his expression that I'm going to be in big trouble when I get home. 

As I follow the directions Julius sent me, I wonder when I became a girl like all the others. I startled when I heard a knock at my window as I see a breathtaking Julius. With a girl on his arm...

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