Chapter 11

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A ship entered the new Starkiller base in building process. Kylo and Rey came out, breathing fresh air in. Hux followed them together with a few droids. "Snoke wants to see you," Hux said and lead Kylo to the room where Supreme leader's hologram was awaiting him. Cuffed Rey was guarded by a bunch of stormtroopers so she couldn't follow Ben and General Hux.

"Kylo Ren, I am glad you survived," Snoke said and took a better look at his apprentice. Something was different about him. It wasn't just his appearance, his missing mask and a few scars. It was something else.
"Supreme leader, I've got the girl."
"Are you sure the girl hasn't got you?" Snoke asked and Ben panicked. Could Snoke feel that he's not filled with darkness anymore?
"She resists to join the First Order, but I'll convince her, master."
"To make sure she will, I am sending you someone, someone who will show you the Dark Side," Supreme leader's hologram faded.
'Who's he sending?' Ben asked himself and left the room. He walked to the prison where he found Rey and stormtroopers. She seemed bored, sitting on the bed and playing with her hair.
"NS-4713, I will handle the prisoner. Go to Captain Phasma, she will give you an order what to do next," Kylo said and watched the unit leave. "Finally," Rey said and stood up. The cell door opened and she got to be close to Ben. He wore black, but he didn't have his mask on. It was destryoed during the explosion last week. As his prisoner she walked beside him with her head down. After ten minutes of walking they entered the room and when the door closed, Ben released Rey from the cuffs. "Thank you," she whispered and looked up. This room was enormous. There was bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen. "Welcome in the biggest room on Starkiller base," Ben said and smiled. "Wow. It's yours?" "Yes. Yours is next-door, but we can stay together if you want." Shy smile spread across Ben's and Rey's face. "I'd like to," she smiled and walked to the window.
"Uh-huh. Are we expecting someone? Because a ship has just landed and I am sure it's not ours," Rey said and Ben remembered Supreme leader's words.
"Snoke said he'll send someone who will show us the dark side."
Ben came closer and pulled the curtain so no one from the outside could see them. "We'll get through this, right?" Rey asked and Ben nodded. "Change to the black clothes that are in your room and Rey...act like you hate me." "No problem. Until last week I did. It was my darkest secret. I felt hate even though I trained to be a Jedi." They shared a meaningful look and Ben wanted to ask her why she hated him but he answered that himself. Everybody hated him.
"Ben?" Rey's voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Yes?" he looked at her. She was still standing near the window.
"The woman from my was her." Rey said and pointed at a woman outside. She was looking from behind the curtain at a woman a few years older, with dark hair and two lightsabers in her hand. Ben glanced at the events happening on the landing strip. Stormtroopers gathered around her but she force-threw them away. "I came to see Kylo Ren," she said out loud, turning in his direction. Luckily he hid behind the curtain before she could see him. "Let's find out who she is and what she wants," Ben said and left the room. Rey was following him but he stopped her. "Stay here and prepare for the act. We can do it." "I know we can," Rey smiled and watched him leave.

Author's note: Sorry it's shorter but I don't like how Ben and Rey act to each other. Hopefully I'll get their characters right in my upcoming fanfic. This one is in the middle 😉🙈🌟✨
I hope you like this and May the Force be with you!
-Darth Reney
(Words without author's note: 632)

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