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Okay so hi...sorry its not an update but i knew if it said AN no one would read it but i kinda need you to...uhh so school's finally over, though I only have
a week till extra classes start. But my next set of exams aren't till April. I kinda have lots of exams like in April, August, September, November, January and February-March. And I know I'm shitty at updates but academic pressure is way too much rn and considering my absolutely shit performance in everything I'm not in a good place (I just hope I pass. I've never failed an exam before and now suddenly all of this is really hard on my self esteem) but still if you want me to continue I will. I started working on the next upadate today since my exams got over today, but then I thought I should ask y'all if you still wanna read it. So uhh please let me know? Sorry once again for being a fuck up. And thanks for reading so far. Whenever I'm feeling bad I look at the votes and comments and it makes me happy. So thanks a lot:) I love you all loads♥♥

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