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Louis (Third person)

After introductions were made and Gemma had somewhat calmed down, they all sat around a round table, with drinks in front of them, just talking about random topics.

Well everyone but Louis. His chair was placed right next to his dominant's, his head on his shoulder, while he listened contently to all that was being talked about.

Initially he had been scared for the evening, but strangely, he felt at ease at the moment. He felt like he had actually made some friends, and it was a genuinely nice feeling.
The person who talked to him most was Niall. He frequently asked him questions, not too invasive ones, just general, and tried to engage him in conversions. Louis found himself letting out a laugh (it was totally not a giggle!) at his comments and had to press his hands to his mouth to stop his laughter when Niall called his hard shelled dominant 'cuddle bunny'. Apparently he used to love to cuddle, but had somehow grown out of it. Louis frowned at that, realising that he often cuddled with his daddy, and that too without his permission. He always thought cuddling with your dominant was a given. Now however, he was starting to think that maybe his dom didn't like it but was too polite to say otherwise.
But he's a dominant. Surely if something was unacceptable to him, he would have said so...

He looked up at his daddy and realised that his eyes were already trained on him, a small smile on his face. The smile reassured him and he went back to his original position.

Some time later, they were joined by the host Nick Grimshaw himself. He too was a dom and from what Louis could see, his daddy wasn't too fond of the guy. The two had a sort of air of hostility around them and Louis was totally confused as to why they had come to the party in the first place if the two men didn't like each other.

He himself didn't have a problem with the guy till he made a comment about how Louis was not sitting properly, which proved that he was not a good sub.

However, his daddy wasn't there to defend him seeing as he had gone to get the drinks and the others couldn't hear him over the music.

The comment had hit him hard, striking just where he hurt. It was like Nick knew his biggest fears and had set his target accordingly. Louis had always been scared of being a pathetic sub, and here he was, being told that he was one.
He had immediately straightened himself, trying to sit in what hopefully was the right manner, lowering his head as a sign of respect for both the dominants present. The man's presence made him uncomfortable, his obnoxious laughs giving him goosebumps. And not the good kind. He almost jumped in joy when he saw his dominant coming back.

He relaxed into his arms as soon as the man had settled down and pulled his small body towards his.

He tuned out the conversation once more, once he was assured that his daddy was not being told of his mistakes and he was not in the danger of being sent back.

The next hour went smoothly with him having a glass of juice along with something tasty his daddy gave him to eat and who's name he didn't bother learning.

Everything went slightly downhill though when they were joined by another guest. Nick had already left, seeing as he had other people to attend and Gemma and her husband along with Liam and Sophia and went to the dance floor. Niall and Emily had gone to get themselves a drink and Zayn and Perrie and disappeared to God knows where. His daddy and him were sitting in peace, talking softly amomg themselves about pointless things.

Louis had always thought that if he ever had a dominant, his only purpose would be to serve him, and the man wouldn't even bother with him once he had done his duty. But with this man, it was totally different. He felt himself grow more and more comfortable with him evey day. Found himself sharing more and more things with him and he realised he absolutely loved it. It was a surreal feeling knowing that he had someone whom he could talk to if he ever felt the need to. Sure he was scared of disappointing him. Scared of doing something which would make him leave him. But he wasn't scared of him. He trusted him. And that was the biggest and most important thing. Sitting there, just giggling to his dominant's amusing stories of his boyband days amd telling him about his favourite books was one of the best moments of his life, just like every other spent with this man.

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