Chapter 15 - Morgan

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The third night came soon.

The past few days me and Diego were practising together while we were also going to see his mother every day as it seemed as if it made her feel better and happier.

But as I was getting ready tonight I heard our new guest star is going to be Morgan.

- Goddamnit... - I groaned to myself.

Morgan is the last person I want to see face to face tonight and it's not just because he's my ex, but because right now he's Asia's new partner... Or old partner, I don't even know anymore.

But I'm sure if he's as dumb as he was before he's going to be on to piss me off just as his dearest girlfriend did last week.


But whatever.

We both are grown adults so we can stand each other for only a few hours.

Atleast I sure can.

I'm not going to be childish about him as well.

It's more than enough that Asia is pissing me off already, even though the show didn't even start yet... So yeah.

Tonight's gonna be interesting.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Diego's POV:

I'm not sure, but if I'm correct the guy I just bumped into is Morgan, Selvaggia's ex-boyfriend from before we even met.

- Nice to see you again, Diego! - he said as we shook hands - I am already looking forward to this night with Selvaggia and now you're here too!

- Yeah, same here... I guess. Although I didn't know you're coming.

- It was a little surprise for me too!

Surprise to me, but not the good type of surprise.

----- TIME SKIP -----

By the way as it was expected as soon as it was time for Selvaggia to give her opinion about Platinette he immediately came up with:

- If you're such an expert in dancing how come you aren't going to perform tonight yet? - he asked on a really disrespectful tone which I just couldn't let go like that.

- It's because of me, Plati - I responded - I have some personal issues and because of that I haven't been able to finish the choreography off properly.

- What issues? - he asked.

- Personal - I repeated myself then added with a wink - But don't worry... You'll see what can we do next week.

- Well, I'm personally curious to see that as well - Morgan spoke too.

Selvaggia didn't react too much to this, though I could pretty much see every feelings on her face.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Till the next break nothing too serious have happened, but once when I was sitting there, just checking through some messages on my phone I noticed Morgan and Selvaggia getting a little too intimate there.

- What the...


- I swear I'm gonna break his face...

Lorenzo appeared behind me, looking extremely jealous.

- I'm joining you - I mumbled.

Although I know Selvaggia would never go back to him the scene somehow made me angry just as much as it made Lorenzo angry.

- Why don't you interrupt? - I asked him - You're her boyfriend after all.

For some reason he didn't say anything for long seconds, but then...

- You have no idea how hard it is for me to watch her surrounded by her exs like him, or you - he groaned - So just don't tell me what to do...


That doesn't make any sense...

Honestly I don't really care what he does...

But I swear I'm gonna break Morgan's face if he gets any closer to Selvaggia just once more...

I can promise you that...

Ballado Con Le Stelle (Diegia)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang