Chapter 19 - Turn it off

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"How did this happen?" Damon asked Stefan. We went to the nearby cave to talk. We didn't want Elena to hear us. She was in shock, her only family had just died. "It was Katherine, she was following us all the time." Stefan said.

 "What about the cure? Or Silas?" I asked. "If there was anything at all there, it is gone." Stefan said Silas had risen? This was not going to be good.  "Where the hell is bonnie?" Damon asked. "I have no idea, she went looking for Jeremy last night, she never came back" he said " Elena is in there waiting for the ring to bring Jeremy back to life" he continued. "Fine, we'll wait with her" I said. 

"Listen, Jeremy was one of the five. A hunter." "The ring would not work on him" "She won't survive this" Damon said "I'll find Bonnie, you both get Elena of this island" he said. I grabbed his hand "As much as I am feeling bad for Elena and want to help her in some way, there is no way I'm leaving you here Damon." I said. "Alex, Bonnie is our friend. I have to save her" "I know. Just be safe Damon" I said as I gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Let's go" I said to Stefan as we both rushed back to the cave to Elena and Jeremy.


We travelled back to the Gilbert house and opened the door. Stefan was carrying Jeremy in his arms. "Hey, you're back" I heard Caroline's voice. She walked towards us and saw Stefan with Jeremy in his hands. She was shocked. Stefan shook his head into a no. "Come on, Let's get him upstairs." Elena said. I know it was very difficult for Elena to believe Jeremy had died. She was in denial. Stefan walked Elena upstairs while I walked towards Caroline. "Oh my god" she said. "How?" "Two words. Katherine Pierce" I said. 

 Caroline and I were talking when suddenly my head started hurting. "Excuse me" I said as I rushed into the bathroom. Blood started coming out of my mouth and my head started hurting. This had become like an everyday thing and each time this happened, I felt my body becoming weaker. This time something worse happened with it. I saw that my body was desiccating. The next thing I was darkness. 

"Alex? Alex?" I heard Stefan's voice. I opened my eyes and saw him standing in front of me in the bathroom. "How did I get here?" I said as I got up. "For a minute there I thought that you were..."he was about to say something but stopped A lady was standing besides him, she had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Meredith. I had met her before, she was Alaric's girlfriend

. Stefan offered me a blood-bag. "I can't have that" I said. "Why? You need this to heal you. I can't let two people die today" he said. "I just can't Stefan, the last time I had that I started choking." I told him "Where's Elena?" I continued "She gone for some fresh air with Matt" "Did she....?" "No." Stefan held my hand and helped me get up. All of us sat on the dining table. Stefan made me a cup of coffee. 

"Thank you" I said as he gave me the cup. "What is happening to you?" Meredith asked. "I wish I  knew myself."  I said. I looked at my hand, my veins had settled. "I was desiccating today" I told them. "What?" "I could see my veins turning grey." "Will you do something for me?" Meredith asked. "Sure. What is it?" I said "Try using your magic" I tried to cast a spell but my powers weren't working. "Just what I thought, your magic was going away that is why you were desiccating." I was shocked. I knew that I was going to die but I didn't know it will be this soon.

 "You have to be careful Alex, don't do anything dangerous" Stefan said. "I won't Stefan, but right now I think we should look after what Elena is going to do. If she realises that Jeremy is dead, it is going to break her heart. I don't think she can handle it." "I know. I think there is something which can help her" he said. "What is it?" I asked. "Compulsion, it will help reduce the pain" "Oh yes, it will. I will...." "Alex, I don't think you should stress yourself. you should rest right now" Stefan said.

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