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A little over a year ago, the particle accelerator exploded and the dark matter released created a storm that had varying affects to the cities inhabitants. Some people were given abilities, most view them as 'gifts', others as 'curses'.

There's only one person we know we can thank the particle accelerator explosion for, 'The Flash'.

But this story isn't about the scarlet speedster. It's about a different person that was affected, one that hopelessly tried to stay out of the speedsters way.

Over the past year, anomalies have been recorded all over the city. All ranging in their severity. Things going from brand new, to rusted in a few small hours.

It was only after 'The Flash' started zooming about that the events were connected, and the papers had this new meta dubbed in the week. Which may or may not have to do with a STAR labs employee.

But again, this isn't about the team at STAR labs.


DECEMBER 11, 2013


Bzzt. 'DR. Winters, Abigail Dennier is here to see you.'

A slender hand clicked the receiver, 'Send them in.' The hand was attached to the doctor, who's hazel eyes were weary from the long day. She was just happy the day was almost over. But, she also wished she could have seen more patients, there just seemed to never be toughen time to see them all.

She worked at a smaller Medical Center in the city that helped those that wouldn't be able to get medical attention otherwise. Since she had graduated she'd been living and working in Central City. She had a small house on the outskirts of the city, one that she didn't see as much as she wanted to. But it was nice. She had inherited it from her Dad, he passed from lung cancer.

She sighed before getting the door, opening it just as the patient got there. Her patient was a teen, really thin with scraggly clothes. She gave the patient a small smile, 'Hello Abigail, how have you been?'

'Hey Val, I'm not so good. Think I need another dose.' Her voice was raspy, much like it had been on her last visit.

'If I keep prescribing you the antibiotics you will build up a resistance to them. You should consider going to the hospital. But only if you still have it after this round.' Abigail had had a throat infection the last time she was in, but it just kept coming back. Dr. Valerie Winters had taken a swab and found out it wasn't just an infection. It was tonsillitis. 'You may even have to look at getting your tonsils removed. I know its costly but it will be better in the long run.'

'I know, I'm just scared.'

The duo were now siting in the good DR's lair. Well, office. Dr, Winters was at her desk, writing down notes for the appointment. 'I know what it can be like, but you should seriously consider doing so. You may have to save for a while, but it will be better than taking antibiotics twice a day whenever you catch something.'

She just nodded, looking to the floor. 'I'll look into it. I promise.'

The DR nodded, 'Good, now let me look at your tonsils...'

It was another fifteen minutes later before the visit was over. Abigail tonsils were still inflamed like the last visit, they didn't seem to want to get better. It was infuriating for the Doctor.

She was the last patient she had to see before she headed home. She took her dark blonde hair out of its bun and packed her things, making sure everything was locked up. She even made sure her office door was locked before making for the lobby, and ultimately the parking lot.

'Good night, Jess.' Valerie called as she left, 'I hope you have fun at the event tonight.'

'I will Dr. Winters, you have a good night too!' Jess called as she poked her head out from behind the counter. She was finishing up the paperwork for the day before she heads out. She was usually stuck with the evening shift.

She was out the door and to her car moments later. Her car was a sedan, simple and just what she needed to get from a to b.

She pulled into her house in about half an hour, there wasn't as much traffic as normal, something she reasoned had to do with the particle accelerator.

She got inside, and pulled out some left over, heating them up and flipping the tv on. Every channel seemed to have the same thing plastered all over it. The particle accelerator. And it was due to be turned on in twenty minutes.

Valerie ate her food while watching all the press surrounding the particle accelerator, and now was its time to shine. The camera switched angels and it showed the site as a whole, people were all around the building waiting to see anything about it.

And boy, did they see something.

Instead of the gentle confirmation that the particle accelerator had indeed turned on, a large beam of light shot into the sky, a shock-wave rushed and there was a sonic-boom. The particle accelerator had exploded.

The lights flickered in her house, then they went out completely. She was thankful that that was all that had happened. And she knew that tomorrow was going to be crazy at work.

She stood to look for candles in her cupboard, only when she was finally in the kitchen, the storm she hadn't noticed had spread over her house. And the shock-wave reached her home at the same time, in a rush of sound and blinding light, everything shattered. And everything slowed. At 8.02 PM December 11, DR. Valerie Winters was knocked unconscious by a wave of dark matter.

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