3. Chapter 3

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Three days passed before Valerie woke up. She wasn't expecting to be in some lab, nor was she expecting for someone to be inches away from her taking her vital signs.

To be honest, she was freaking out thinking she was being experimented on. So, she froze the person. Or, she thought she did. When she moved the person jumped, the person being female with hair a similar color to her own. Only this person was in a lab coat, and she guessed slightly shorter than herself.

'Hi, I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow, Ba... The Streak brought you here after you collapsed.'

'Where is 'here'?' Valerie pondered, looking around at the pristine lab. It took her a moment to notice the STAR labs logo on some of the screens and tech around the place. She was in the place that ruined her life. And she couldn't even pause the place.

Or could she, it may have been a fluke that it didn't work before. So, she tried again, and this time it worked. Dr. Snow was, in every sense of the word, paused. Her mouth hung open as if she were about to speak and she held a torch up. Probably to test her reaction to light.

She detached all the wires connected to her, and got up. She was glad she was still in the clothes she was in the other day, but at the same time she knew she needed a shower and probably stank the whole facility out. Or she would have , but ever since she got her time powers, the only time she needed to sleep was if she had used them that day.

It had made her wonder on a number of occasions if she would age, now that she had some control over time. But, she wouldn't find out any time soon.

She was half way out the door when Caitlin began to move again, 'I ne... How?' She spun around to see Valerie walking through the cortex, and then to see Cisco Ramon walk trough the other door, only to freeze. But only in shock.

'Who-ah! You're up. And leaving?' Cisco was pumped, and looking over to Dr Snow, only to see her slightly annoyed. 'You shouldn't leave yet, we have a few more tests to run.'

Valerie was again trying to pause him, but it wasn't working. She went to move she nearly fell, Cisco being the only reason she didn't fall.

'Bring her back in here.' Caitlin called to Cisco.

'C'mon,' he slung her arm around her shoulder and helped her back into the room she woke up in. 'I have to call Barry and Dr Wells.'


'No.' I gasped out. 'I want to leave.'

'You can't leave like this.' Caitlin stated, while looking me in the eye.

The man who had walked into the lab was calling people already. I didn't want to meet them. I wanted to leave. Now. Even if it wasn't the best idea I had. Even if it meant not using my powers to do so, I would do it. I wasn't ready to face the people that did this to me. 'I can. Who is that?' I moved my head towards the Hispanic on the phone. He kept glancing back at me, only when he noticed me he gave me a big grin and a thumbs up.

'That's Cisco. He works here at STAR Labs. You were affected by the particle accelerator explosion ten months ago, and we'd like to run some more tests to make sure you're okay before we let you go.'

There was a whoosh! A man was standing there with floozy brown hair and green eyes. He had a slim build, and was watching me. 'Hi, we met the other night. And I think that thing you done to Mist.'

'Mist?' I asked, 'The gas dude?'

'Yeah, Cisco names the metas?'

'He couldn't come up with something better than the streak? I mean, people who don't now of you could think you're a serial streaker.' The words came out before I could stop them, and the scarlet speedster went the same color as his suit. It wasn't hard to put the two and two together when he sped in here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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