Chapter 6... I do!

Start from the beginning

"Ha, says the workaholic. Wait until you find a man and fall in love and then come to me and talk.' Tania rebuffed almost getting her hair back on track.

'There is no such man for me.' She responded as the elevator doors opened and Derick stepped out.

'Hi Derick, some best man you are, you need to control the maid of honour she all but dragged me out of Lucas' room spurting nonsense about restraint.' Tania complained.

'Didn't you and Lucas agree to wait until the wedding night? What were you doing in his room, anyway?' Derick had joined the opposition team and Tania pouted at him.

'My point exactly, these two need to hold on for just a few more days.' Lian agreed.

'If you two were in love you would understand what it feels like to be around someone you love and just want to feel their arms around you,' Tania huffed as she stepped into the elevator, 'this is sheer torture, what do you two know about having a burning desire for someone!' Tania jammed the down button angrily as Lian jumped in before the doors closed.

She looked at Derick and almost stepped back out of the elevator as the look on his face mirrored her own. They both had been restraining themselves for the last eight years.

Derick knocked on his best friend's door sharply, a tired and peeved looking Lucas answered, 'Are you here to scold me as well?'

'I can see you're more in need of a stiff drink.' Was the reply. 'Want one?' Derick offered as he took out a bottle of whiskey from the bag in his hand. Lucas handed him two glasses and he poured the liquor into the tumbler before sitting on the bed.

Derick leaned ion the window ledge as he looked at his friend on the bed in front of him, 'So how is the hospital these days?'

'I love it although it is quite demanding; I enjoy surgery although time off for the wedding was a welcome break.' Lucas was specialising in cardiac surgery. 'Who would think we would be here eight years later?'

'Yeah I remember the first time you met Tania, it was all through Lian? Have you ever told Tania the truth?' Derick asked his friend as they sipped their drink.

'What?! And risk getting my manhood chopped off in the middle of the night?' they laughed at the image as Lucas held his private part.

'If Lian knew that Greg had set me up with her and you with Tania, I would not hear the end of it?' Derick moved over to sit next to his friend. They clinked glasses as they remembered that date. 'Lian was just too much, she had been moaning about being set up on a double date as we approached their table. I remember she spotted us and said some really negative things!'

'Yeah.' Derick agreed wistfully, 'However, you saw Tania and immediately switched partners.'

'Hey man she bowled me over from one look and I have been whipped ever since.' Lucas reminisced.

'Tania had the same reaction; you two could barely tear your eyes off each other the whole night while I had to stomach Lian sending daggers my way.' They laughed at the memory of that night.

'It was fate, she is my one, I really love her and I am so happy we are finally getting hitched.' Lucas was saying as he leaned back on the head board his left knee bent.

'I am happy for you man, you two deserve it, and I wish you the best.' Derick's heart twisted a bit at the emptiness he felt. He wanted that forever moment as well but the woman he wanted it with was not easy to convince that they were meant to be together. If only Lian decided to give them a chance.

'Thanks man, so when will you return the favour and have me stand with you at your wedding?' Lucas asked nonchalantly but his friend tensed up.

Derick smiled, he had been thinking of Lian for a long time and he had decided after seeing her again that his feelings for her were not going away. Therefore, he wanted to pursue his feelings and he would use this wedding time with her to hopefully get her to agree.

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