Envelope #10

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Giovanni walked with Brenda towards her locker.
She smiled and trembled of nervousness and happiness, today she was gonna meet her admirer.

Giovanni said he'd like to meet her admirer, but he had to go somewhere, but he'd be right back.

Brenda looked at her locker and opened it. With a shaking hand she grabbed the last envelope. Did she dare open the last and final envelope?

She took a deep breath and opened it.

It read:

So you've come to the final envelope. I really have been nervous for you to see me today, but I hope you enjoy the last and longest letter.
I've lived the best moments with you. I've seen you sad, happy, nervous, and more. I've been with you through the good and the bad. I've seen that smile of yours brighten through the years. We've read books together. We've eaten together. We've spent nights looking up at the stars. I know you very well, maybe more then myself. We've talked to each other about our troubles, dreams, hopes and more, but I hadn't told you that my dream was to be with you. My dream was to be with you, hold your hand, share even more adventures, kiss you and hug you, and be with you and only you. The trouble was, I thought that you liked me as only a friend. My heart was bursting to tell you, that I loved you. I decided to do it this way. I'm thankful for talking to you back in 6th grade because, you were too shy. I'm thankful for knowing you. I love you.


Brenda's face turned red and her heart beat fast, Giovanni? It was Giovanni! She loved Giovanni. All this time she thought she liked Javier, but that wasn't love. She only liked how Javier looked. She wasn't sure if she liked Giovanni back when her heart started to beat fast when she saw him and when she felt that strange feeling in her heart. She didn't know she loved Giovanni, but now she knew, that her heart truly beated for him.

Brenda turned around and came face to face with Giovanni.

Giovanni with a red face, handed her a rose he had gotten. He knew roses where her favorite.

Brenda hugged Giovanni and Giovanni knew in his heart, that Brenda loved him back.

Ten EnvelopesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon