Forgotten Things

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Bellamy's POV

Clarke had fallen asleep in the automobile, her head resting against the jeep door and the regional map spread out across her lap. Her hand was still resting on the center console – holding Bellamy's.

As he was driving through the woods, he would occasionally glance over at her. With her eyes closed and her face devoid of all tension, she looked much younger than her eighteen years. She looked like the girl Bellamy had first met all those months ago. That moment, that time, seemed like decades ago. He couldn't imagine his life before Clarke, before all the delinquents.

Sometimes, while she slept, Bellamy would catch her whispering something in her sleep. He would notice her shoulders spasm in a little tick. She wasn't having nightmares. She was merely dreaming.

However when her whispering became increasingly panicked, he would unconsciously stroke her hand with the pad of his thumb. After that, Clarke quieted almost immediately.

Bellamy found driving easy after he had gotten used to the sensitivity of the pedals and the size of the truck. He discovered that his mind was able to wander easily. His thoughts seemed to fluctuate with the motion of the automobile.

Back at the mansion, Clarke had asked him if he was in control. Right now he was, but for how long he didn't know. He wasn't sure how or when he came under the influence of Ali. He wasn't even positive how he managed to escape the mansion.

Everything was a blur, a fog so thick that it consumed his mind and body completely. Trying to recall memories was like trying to wade through tar. He was stuck and trying desperately to find some way to pull himself out.

The questions rolling over and over in Bellamy's mind were terrible ones. What had happened to his memories? What had happened to Clarke? Why couldn't he remember attacking her?

Why couldn't he remember sleeping with her? Had he not been the one in control when he'd had sex with her?

Clarke remembered it, he was sure of it. The look in her eyes when she had met him outside the mansion, he could tell just by looking at her that she remembered.

In frustration, he slammed his hand on the wheel, bearing down on it until his knuckles turned white.

His first time, his first time with her and he remembered nothing. After loving her for all those months, he couldn't even recall what it had been like to kiss her naked skin during those precious hours. He couldn't recall the smell of her hair or the taste of her lips.

Bellamy inadvertently pushed the jeep faster, his thoughts racing away from him. He was following a footpath and the automobile broke through the tree line, giving way to a clearing. What he saw next had him slamming down on the brakes and bracing against his seat. In protest, the jeep whined, kicking up mountains of dirt and spewing all sorts of terrible sounds.

Beside him, Clarke was jerked forwards and torn from sleep. She yelped as Bellamy held out his arm to keep her body from snapping into the dashboard. Her hands went around his arm.

"What's going on?" She asked, her voice sounding crusty. She wasn't totally awake yet and remained discombobulated for a few moments. Her neck was going to hurt like hell tomorrow.

"It's Kane." Bellamy breathed and climbed out of the jeep. He slammed the metal door shut behind him.

"Bellamy!" Clarke yelled, but he didn't turn around.

Kane and several scouts were mounted on horseback, close to the now smoking automobile. Once they recognized Bellamy, Kane and a few others came galloping towards him. From behind, Bellamy heard the open and close of a jeep door. Clarke came to stand beside him just as Marcus and the scouts came to a halt in front of them.

Kane dismounted. "Clarke, Bellamy."

He walked towards them. He hugged Clarke and then shook Bellamy's hand. He looked relieved. "You two have given us a hell of a time."

"You got my message?" Bellamy asked.

Kane snorted, placing two hands firmly on his hips. "We almost killed the message."

"Echo?" Bellamy's voice was hurried, earning him a sideways glance from Clarke. "Is she alright?"

"She's fine. It's the other Grounders I'm worried about." Kane admitted. He looked older than Bellamy remembered. The lines on his face and graying beard were no doubt caused by the stress of keeping Camp Jaha unified.

"What other Grounders?" Clarke demanded, stepping forwards.

Kane gave her a parental look, one full of disappointment. "Your mother's been worried about you, Clarke. She's been looking for you ever since you left."

Clarke ignored him and restated her question, her voice strong and authoritative. "What Grounders?"

Kane sighed and ran a hand down his disheveled face. He knew better than to get into an argument with a Griffin.

"There's an army of Grounders sitting right outside our walls. They're demanding retribution for an attack against their capital."

"The missile," Clarke murmured, looking at Bellamy then back up at Kane. "But that wasn't us. That wasn't Skaikru."

He shook his head. "It wasn't, but they brought us a part of a missile and claimed it as proof." He paused. "Clarke, it came from the Ark."

"That's impossible." Bellamy exclaimed.

Clarke began to pace back and forth. "No, it's not impossible."

"They probably just found it off wreckage from another Ark station" Bellamy reasoned, crossing his arms as he stared at her. "They're probably just baiting us into another war."

"No, they wouldn't do that, not unless they were given reason to," Clarke said still pacing. "I think I know where the missile came from..."

Bellamy reached out and grabbed her shoulders, stopping her. "Where, there's no –"

"Jaha's alive." She blurted out. As the words came out of her mouth, Bellamy's grip on her shoulders tightened.

Bellamy looked down at her with a skeptical look on his face. "Are you okay, Clarke?"

She hit his chest. "Jaha's alive. I saw him back at the mansion. He was locked up in a room doing something for Ali..."

Realization dawned on her face.

"Who's Ali?" Kane asked.

Clarke turned towards him, her eyes wide and knowing. "Ali's the one who dropped the missile on the coalition. She commissioned Jaha to do it. He – he must've come down from the Ark in an empty pod."

"If what you're saying is true –" began Bellamy.

"– we need to get you back to camp." Kane finished.

"I'll drive." Bellamy exclaimed, "I can get us there quicker."

"Take my horse," Kane said to one of his scouts. "I need to show them the way around the Grounder army."

Then, he turned towards Clarke and Bellamy. "Let's go. We don't have a lot of time."

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