"I know. At least you're okay now."

"Hmhm! And hungry..." he grumbled scooping up pudding I now noticed he had.

"Jade, are we still visiting the witches and the demons?" Danny asked as he walked into the room
I nodded

"Yeah, I'm going. You're staying here to guard the pack." Danny snorted folding his arms and shaking his head

"Not happening. I'm coming. Kyle can watch the pack. You are never to leave my side again." I huffed knowing better than to continue this conversation with his tone.

"Fine... We'll leave in the next few minutes." Danny smiled coming over and kissing my forehead.

"Love you too," I grumbled.


|Witch's castle|

"Woah... Witches live here?" Daniel gawked looking around us.

"Don't tell me you thought it'd be all dark, gloomy and shit." I snorted pausing when he gave me a guilty smile. "You did!" I laughed.

Once we approached the double doors we settled down. I went to knock when I heard deep breathing. My movement paused as my eyes looked to the side of the castle. There I saw a cave. And from here I could sense someone was watching me.

"Jade..?" Danny snapped me from staring at the cave so I proceeded to knock.

The door creaked open on its own allowing me to push it fully open and walk inside. Once inside a woman greeted us. She wore a  purple silk dress that hugged her figure nicely as it flowed all the way to the floor, even leaving a bit of a trail behind her.

We approached each other bowing once we were almost face to face.

"Welcome Jade, we were expecting you. I'm Elena the soon to be queen of witches. Mother is inside, please, follow me."

Nodding we followed after Elena through a series of halls, some of which I recognized. Elena looked back at me as she stopped before a room.

"Mother's in here. And if you would, mother would love to see your witch form, as would I honestly." She flashed me a quick smile before turning and entering the room.

She seems quite excited. Scarlett hummed. I nodded.

As I entered the room I shifted into my witch form. I dawned on a dress that went down to my ankles. The sleeves of the dress were lace going all the way to my fingers and up to my neck. The dress was in a high low fashion, short to the front, long in the back. Parts of my dress were black but blue dominated the dress and there were beautiful black heels to go with my attire.

Upon seeing my witch form Elena and her mother smiled happily at me.

"Beautiful! Your form is just, beautiful. The dress, it suits you so well." She smiled examining me.

"Mother!" Elena scolded.

"Yes! Right... I am Jewel, witch queen, pleasure to meet you, Jade" She bowed. I bowed back.

"The pleasure is all mine, thank you for meeting with me." She nodded and we all sat down.

"Now. Let's get straight to the point." Jewel got serious "A man by the name of Erik is taking all the witches and warlocks that will follow in his footsteps. Especially the rogue ones. And it's no doubt their mates go along with them."

"Did he come for you?"

"Yes, but I refused him so now he keeps trying to attack us, but our barriers and spells are too strong for his men." Jewel sighed.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now