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Cody's POV:
"A week sir" she smiled.
"A week?!? That's too long!" I snapped.
"Well I'm sorry sir but it's the soonest that isn't all booked"
"Thanks anyways" I muttered.
Dylan's POV:
My phone began to ring.
"For once it's not me" Hayley giggled.
"I'm coming for you" I winked. I picked up the phone, completely forgetting to look at the number.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey dude" my buddy, Cody, replied.
"Oh hey"
"How's things?"
"Great actually. Got a girl now"
"Oh wow, I just got out of a relationship"
"You what's funny?"
"My girl dated a guy named Cody and they broke up a few days ago"
"Oh, that's scary"
"Anyways, I called to ask, still got room?"
"Yeah, still have room"
"Okay, I'll talk to you later dude"
"Bye bro"
I cut the call and walked out to where Hayley was. She had fallen asleep. I looked at the tv to see she had changed it to Supernatural. I laughed softly and crept over to the couch. I picked her up and walked to my room. I put the blanket over her and started to walk out.
"Dylan" she spoke. I turned to her and smiled.
"Yeah cutie?"
"Can you, uh, stay with me?"
I smiled and walked over to the empty side of the bed. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight, princess" I whispered.
"Goodnight, prince"
I opened my eyes. I looked down to Hayley, who was still sleeping. I pulled her closer and she nuzzled into my chest. I played with her hair. I kissed her forehead and slowly hopped out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen. I pulled out raw bacon, a few eggs, the hot chocolate and bread. I started to cook. Turn the bacon here. Flip an egg there. Butter toast here and there. Stir hot chocolate there and here.
"It's not a cooking show kiddo" Lisa laughed.
"It is to me" I smiled.
"She'll like it"
"I hope so"
Lisa ruffled my hair and left for work. I dished up the breakfast.
"Wal-la!" I smiled. I picked up the plates and put them on the bar, as well as the hot chocolate. I jogged up the stairs, missing one at a time. I slowly opened the door. Hayley was up and getting changed. I crept up behind her and pinned her against the bathroom door.
"This needs to stop happening" she laughed.
"Happens a lot does it?" I asked.
"My ex did it a lot"
"Oh, if you want me to stop, I can"
"No, it's okay. Your warm, whereas he was cold, so I like it with you"
I smirked, kissing her deeply. She wrapped her arms around my neck. We pulled apart for air.
"Breakfast is ready" I whispered. I led her down to it.
"Dylan!" she snapped.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm half naked"
"So am I"
She shrugged and followed me down. She looked at the table.
"Aw, Dylan" she smiled. I kissed her forehead and smiled.
"You didn't have to you know"
"I'd do anything for my princess" I whispered. She blushed. I bit my bottom lip, making her blush more. We walked to the table and began eating.
I stared at Hayley. Admiring her. My princess. I watched everything she did.
"What?" she asked, her cheeks red.
"You" I smiled.
"Your beautiful"
She blushed more. I winked as I slowly bit my lip. She light punched my stomach. I smirked, slowly standing up.
"D-Dylan, don't do anything" Hayley laughed nervously. I started walking towards her. She ran, and I followed. She slid down the stair railing as I skipped one at a time. She ran around to behind the couch. I hid behind the bar. She looked up, and slowly stood. She turned her back to the bar, allowing me to crouch walk to her. She turned around and came face to face with me. I tackled her to the ground, pinning her hands above her head.
"I win" I smirked.
"Don't you always?" she asked. I brought my lips to hers, and she kissed back. I stood up with her in my arms and pinned her to the wall. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I left trails of kissed down her neck till I hit a soft spot. Biting and nibbling, I left my mark on her. I moved to another soft spot, leaving another, and another. I went back to her lips. We pulled apart for air. She rubbed her neck, where I left all three marks.
"What-" she tried to look to see what it was.
"I left my mark" I whispered. She stared wide eyed for a second, then began blushing.

Hello, it's me.

Morning guysssss
Or whatever time of day it is for you.

I hope you guys liked it!!

Chapter dedication goes to ayannatahan for calling me crazy last night xD.

I love you💘

The Bad Boy's Property (WATTYS 2017)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz