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-Hayley's POV-
Dressing for another day at school wasn't easy for me. Looking in the mirror, I decided to just go with what I had on before it was too late. I walked out into the courtyard and started walking around to find my friends.
My eyes landed upon Cody Will.
Our high schools heartthrob.
Yet, he was staring me, the average teenage girl, up and down.
My cheeks started to burn, I could only imagine the shade of red I was wearing.
Once I turned away, I felt his eyes burning into my back.
I walked on to find someone I knew.
"Hey, you" a voice spoke.
I froze.
"Oh, hi Cody" I stuttered.
"You dropped this."
He handed me a piece of paper.
Cody smirked, leaving me stranded.
I unfolded the paper as I couldn't remember actually having it.
Looking good, see you in class
There's that redness feeling again.
I went onwards to my locker, one more second out here and I mightn't get to class.
"Hopefully, we're partners. I can't stand being with anyone else in this class" Liyah rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, plus, it'll be more fun together" I smiled.
Cody walked through the door, looking gorgeous as ever. He winked at me and walked to the back of the class.
"Excuse me, what?" she said.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah, what about him?"
"He just winked at you."
"I don't know" I shrugged, turning to the front.
Soon, Mr Matt walked in.
"Okay, today I will be assigning you partners for our new social study project" he announced.
He started naming kids, one by one.
"Liyah, you're with, Josh" Mr Matt nodded.
Liyah sighed and walked to her new seat.
"Hayley, you're with Cody" he nodded.
I look back to where he was sitting. The smirk he wore suited him too well. He didn't seem mean, so it couldn't be too bad.
I walked over to where he was sitting.
"I guess we should formally introduce ourselves. I'm Hayley."
"You know me, don't you?"
"A little cocky, but yes I do."
He chuckled lowly and opened our book.
"What page?"
He opened to 490, then slid the book to me.

Well well well

Look at that, the first chapter is edited?? Crazy

I know I kinda went MIA and even unpublished the sequel, but between the time I finished this book and just recently, I've been going through so much.

I'm going through and editing these chapters so that their slightly better, but I don't wanna sway from the original story.

Also, I've removed a few characters, and parts to do with those characters primarily.
There were WAY to many characters.

Thanks for reading!

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