Chapter 19 - Adelaide

Start from the beginning

"Well she's not going to because the only person who can unlock the demon from the caveam is the person who put it there and I don't plan on staying here much longer" Adelaide said.

"I'll make you a deal" Kiyan said. "If I help you escape, you have to promise you won't have me arrested".

Adelaide thought about it. Having an insider definitely would be an advantage. And even if he were to turn her in to his mother, she wouldn't be executed. The thought made her sick, but while she was here she was under Erebus's protection.

"Alright, but I want my weapons" Adelaide said.


"And my uniform"

Kiyan looked baffled.

"Why do you need that back? You'll get another one".

"That outfit has five gold medals attached to it" Adelaide exclaimed.

Kiyan gave no indication he was impressed. Just rolled his eyes and said:

"You are insufferable".

Adelaide and Kiyan entered a small chamber behind Phlegethon which led into a larger storage room. Adelaide scrambled for her chakram and her other weapons. Though the dim light of her torch, she recognised a familiar logo peeking out at her. It was the royal Concordian logo emblazed on a hilt of a sword. The Concordian logo was on several of the other weapons and there was also Amitician logos there and even Arugain ones.

"These are from the AIA" Adelaide exclaimed.

"My mum doesn't just have a hatred for Enchanters but for the AIA as well" Kiyan said staring at the bounty of weapons before him.

"Now I know why she has such a strong dislike for me then" Adelaide laughed.

"All the more reason for you to get out of here" Kiyan reasoned. "And the best way to do that is to not cause a scene"

"How will we free the Enchanters without causing a scene?"

"We're not going to. We're going to slip out quietly"

"You're just going leave then here to suffer" Adelaide exclaimed.

"Shh. We can come back with more people. Once the AIA find out about this place they'll tear it apart, right?"

Adelaide chewed her lip.

"I guess that would be the smarter option" she said "But if we want to get out of here as fast as possible we can't take your sister".

Kiyan frowned at her.

"Of course we can. I'm leaving not her here" Kiyan raised his voice.

"She'll slow us down and then we'll all be captured. We will come back for her. You said yourself-"

"Look, princess we're leaving with Anya or we're not leaving at all" he said.

Adelaide stepped closer.

"I don't think you have many options"

A sudden bright light shown into the chamber blinding them both.

"All right. Come out slowly with your hands up" a voice said.

Adelaide clutched her weapon tight and prepared to throw a star. Kiyan put his hand up.

"I can handle it" he said and began to walk out

Adelaide folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure you can kiddo".

Adelaide then followed Kiyan out of the dark chamber and into Phlegethon. She meet with an impish boy who was so short he looked comical in an oversized guard's uniform. The boy looked startled and uncertain. If Adelaide was Brenda she would've told this boy to pack up and go home years ago.

The Shadows That Dwell Within (The Warrior Queens book #1) (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now