Artic Mermaid

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These mermaids live in arctic regions. Ice mermaids prefer colder water temperatures. They are found near the poles, generally in salt water. These mermaids live throughout Arctic and Antarctic waters (usually in either the Arctic or Antarctic Oceans). The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the five oceans, but it houses the majority of the world's remaining glaciers. The Antarctic Ocean is the fourth smallest ocean, but it has the largest current in the world and is the coldest ocean. Some Arctic mermaids migrate during the freezing winter months to spend some time in tropical, or temperate waters.

Depth Layers of the Ocean: Arctic mer generally stays in the Mesopelagic Zone or the Epipelagic zone, (0m-3300m below surface) occasionally straying higher or lower down.

Arctic mermaid's appearance is based on their environment. They live in a harsh, cold climate, so they are built to withstand cold temperatures. They have extra body fat to insulate them against the cold and keep themselves warm. Ice mermaids usually have larger eyes to see well, paler skin, and lighter hair colors. Their hair is usually light colors, like white or blond, but any color as long as it's not too dark, will be fine! Arctic mermaids, like Open-Ocean mermaids, tails sometimes have a type of countershading. Countershading means that the mermaid's tail would be a darker color shade on the top and a paler color shade on the underside. This is used as camouflage, because when you look down at the mermaid from above, they blend in with the dark water, but when you look up at them from the bottom, they blend with the lighter surface of the water. Ice mermaid's tails are usually cold, icy colors to blend in with their environment. They can be white, pale blue, gray, and more!

Almost all Ice mermaids are carnivores or omnivores because there is little to no vegetation in polar waters. Food can sometimes be harder to find in these cold regions, so Arctic mers will eat pretty much anything! They eat different kinds of fish, like trout, salmon, capelin, smelt, flounder and herring. Also, Ice mers will eat shrimp, squid, crabs, sea plants, clams, octopus and snails. When they're on land, Arctic mermaids like any type of seafood like fish, sea plants or sushi!

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