Past the Point of No Return?

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Christine's POV

We both stood at the end of the bridge, ready to cross the final threshold. My heart never beat so loudly. The moment was filled with passion yet the devil had taken me over. I stared at your yellow intense eyes, not solely breaking our beautiful trance. Your hands grasped my hips as I held yours and you twirled me around. Softly we sang in unison, "We're past the point of no return." We held hands and they reached for my neck. I stood there.

I was floating.

Though I should've felt trapped and frightened, it melted away. Your breath unto my neck was warm and firm as you sang a familiar melody.  A reprise melody. I awake from our trance to find hundreds of horrid faces looking upon us. From the corner of my eye I turned away to faced you as you pleaded for my love. Those eyes. How could I forget those breathtaking wondrous eyes. Captivating and all I couldn't bare it. My scared conscious took me over once again. 

"Christine! That's all I ask of---"

I raised my hands to reveal to the world the ghost behind the mask. The true man behind the mask. And how I regret it. I always will. An uproar of screams filled the room, from that point on everything moved slowly around us. I look upon your sad face. Partially destroyed and beautiful face. Tears surround my eyes as I held our stare. You break it to pull my frail body to your strong chest and reached from above. As you pulled a rope we fell. As we fell, I saw the chandelier falling to its own death. I didn't have a chance to scream. We fell into the enemy of the light as I thought we were falling to our own deaths. I frantically grasped your chest, hoping it wouldn't hurt. Yet it didn't. I did not take any weigh of the fall while you took it all. Before I could even stand properly up, you angrily tugged at my wrist. 

The daze all went away. You looked at me with a face filled with disgust yet your eyes were full of fear. I was being dragged by the man I used to cry tears of pity. Now all of my tears shed were of hate. You yelled at me frantic phrases and questions of darkness. You lifted me onto the boat and hurriedly rushed us across the lake. Everything before seemed like a haze but now my senses were awaken. I was in the pit of hell. 

I hated you. 

You threatened my Raoul. My Raoul, my savior, my future. Now he was holding onto life as his neck was surrounded by your lasso. Everything spiraled down from there. You had given me the final choice. Past the Point of No Return. With a mix of darkness, lurking of the devil, heartbreak, and choices, I glided across the water filled with pity  yet despair to free the one I truly loved. I placed my trembling hands onto your dented skin and crushed my lips against yours. It felt so right, that moment, that kiss. 

Everything seemed right.

I pulled away to pull you close to me. I knew my answer, I knew what my choice would've been. I pull away to kiss you once again and this time, you reacted. Your eyes went from frantic and insane to subtle and yearned for love. You entwined your arms around my waist and pulled me close. It felt like a forever moment until you pulled away. I stood there speechless yet knowing what to say. You broke into my thoughts yelling 'GO!' Unsure what to do, I look over to Raoul, who was clinging onto the rope around his neck. Eyes closed, I knew he saw the kiss and it was unbearable. My heart didn't break at that moment though. I look over to you and you once again yell to leave, forget about this place. I rush to Raoul's side to free him and he immediately takes me into his arms. I felt as if I was home, I was safe. We turn around to see you crushing mirrors and things around you. Raoul tugs onto my wrist, pleading for me to run now. 

"Wait, I need to give him-"

"Christine, we must go-"

"Please, Raoul."

He let go of my wrist as I walk up the stairs to your lair. I look into your eyes as you look up to me. 

"Christine. I love you."

At that moment I broke into tears. How could I do this. But I had to. I gently lift your hand and place a cold piece of metal into your hand and close it. I slowly turn around, battling with my life to not turn around. Raoul stands there outside, his hand reaching out to find mines. We stand on the boat and he begin to row as we sing our sweet aria. 

"Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime."

"Say the word and I will follow you"

 "Share each day with me, each night, each morning"

From behind I hear a loud plead, your final plead. I firmly wrap my arms around Raoul, wanting to be comforted yet knowing nothing would help. We finally arrived to land and there stood the mob. They looked at us with complete shock and arose with questions.

"Where is that devil!?"

"Where did he go?"

"We must kill him now!"

Raoul ignored all pleads and took my hand tightly and led me away from the crowd. We slowly walked out into the dark streets of Paris and I stood in front of the nearly burnt down opera house. It was gone. 

"Little Lotte. Darling, you are not well, you're pale," Raoul looks upon and holds my face with his warm hands. 

"Hold me." Those were the only words that could come out of my mouth. He held me close and whispered comforting words into my hair. Yet nothing work. I fell sleep on the steps of your opera house. We ventured to his home just outside of Paris as I slept away my grief and despair. 


Hi, it's Catherine. I'm gonna start with the actual story soon. I just want you all to know about 

Christine's POV before she left Paris. Hopefully I'll update weekly even with school and all. 

Please share your insight and any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!!!!!! <3 <3

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