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"Well, I can't find anything here." Sarah walks over.

Megan and I both laugh. She probably didn't try too hard. But we bought our stuff, and headed into another store. This store had a funny name too. It was brightly lit, and popular music blasted from every end. Causing Megan to start dancing.

"Hey, we can get our nose pierced." Sarah said, changing the subject.

"Umm.... Pass. But I dare you to." Megan laughs.

Sarah shrugs and walks over to a boy standing behind the counter. He had short brown hair, eyes blue as the sky. His lips full as he smiled. A small ring hung over one side. "Hi, can I help?" His voice kind.

"Do you pierce noses?" Sarah asks in a flirty voice.

He smiles at her obvious flirt and nods. He walks over to ta chair beside the counter and pats it, signaling for her to take a seat.

"Did you pick a ring?" He asks.

"How about you pick, whatever you think would look good." Sarah tells him.

He laughs and pulls a silver cross from a small box. Then he pulls a pair of gloves over his hands. As he did, he snapped the elastic ends. Obviously trying to impress Sarah. But I don't think it worked. If it did, she wasn't about to show it. He then disinfected a giant needle and pressed it through her nose.

"Damnit." Sarah whispers as he pulls it back out.

He smiles as he puts the cross in. Once he was done, he gave her a mirror to see. She looked for about half a second, and handed it back.

"Okay, 20 bucks." He says.

Sarah pulls a folded bill from her pocket and hands it to him.

"Also, your number." He says confidently.

Megan and I giggle as she hands him her cell phone number.

"Smooth, Sarah." Megan punches her arm.


Once we were back at the hotel, we all put our stuff away and went down to the beach. There were a few people sitting in the sand. A warm breeze blowing in the palm trees. The sound of waves crashing was all I could here. I then feel my phone vibrate against my leg. I pull it out to find a text. I pull out my phone and squint at the dim screen.

Madison: Hey, do you want to hang out today? Maybe just me and you. :)

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