"Damn ED. What the hell do you have against television?" I pressed the power button again. "I just wanna watch stuff.."

Eridan groaned and went to the wall, unplugging the tv.

"Okay, seriously? Why the hell don't you want me to watch some tv??"

"WWe could be doing other stuff Y'knoww than wwatchin' tv! It just.. It just seems too borin' to do!"

"Well we have nothing else to do." I walked towards the outlet but he stepped in front of it.

"No. No tv."

"ED get out of the way."


"Eridan. Move."


"God damn it.." I pushed him aside and plugged in the tv, pressing the power button.  "Now where the hell is the remote?" I looked around and saw it on the floor.
Eridan must have saw it too because he ran for it, grabbing it, and running upstairs.

"Eridan!!" I ran after him, but he had locked himself in the bathroom. 
I banged on the door with my fist, irritated. "Give me the fucking remote!"

"No wway!!" He yelled.

I groaned.
Wait.. I can just use the DVR box to change the channel.. Duh!

I slowly stepped away and back downstairs to the DVR. I pressed a few buttons. I passed through various channels but one caught my interest.
I saw Cronus on screen with a reporter.

"What?? No.. No.. Eridan said he... He killed him.." I mumbled but tuned in to what was happening on the screen.

Reporters surrounded the elder Ampora, throwing out questions that would overwhelm anyone.

"Mr.Ampora! Where do you think your brother is?!"

"How do you feel about the murder of your father?!"

"Mr.Ampora! Do you think this is linked to the Captor murder and the disappearance of Solluxander Captor as well?!"

"Do you believe Eridan murdered your father?"

"Mr.Ampora! Why did you agree to take in the Captor son, Mituna Captor!"

Well at least Mituna's safe..

Cronus's sighed as he leaned close to a microphone.
"Yes. I hawve a strong suspicion that the murder of my father is linked to the murder of Mr.Captor across the street.
I.. Uh... I sawv photos of the other.. His face was smeared in blood of a certain symbol vwhich vwas on my owvn fathers as vwell.. I vwant to beliewve that his son Sollux and my lil' brother  vwere only taken. There has been rumors of Sollux killing them... "
He took a breath.

"..Rumors of my brother killing them.. But I don't vwant to beliewve it.. They don't hawve the best history.. But I don't beliewve twvo young boys in high school can pull that off.. I just vwant my brother back, justice for the liwves taken, and for the interwviewvs to Mituna Captor to stop. He doesn't hawve a clue of Vwhats goin' on exactly and this is already scarin' him.."

More questions flooded in.

"Mr. Ampora! Is it true that the two missing boys were dating!?"

"Mr.Ampora! Do you think the police, detectives and investigators will solve this??"

"Yes, I'd like to beliewve so.. I mean that is their job after all.. And yes. Sollux and my brother vwere in fact dating. My father didn't approve of it-"

"Do you think that's why they're dead??" A female interrupted.

"Like I said, I don't vwant to beliewve that either Sollux or my brother has anything to do with the murder but.. I vwont rule anything out.. It could be a possible reason of they are the ones vwho committed these terrible acts.. That's enough for nowv.."

Footsteps came downstairs.
"Hey Sol! I accidentally dropped the remote in the toilet so I think the batteries are-" He froze when he saw me and the tv. "Dead..."

"You DIDNT kill Cronuth?! Eridan how could you?!?" I stepped closer.

"I-I-I couldn't bring myself to do it! I'm sorry-"

"Do you even KNOW how bad thith ith gonna be for uth now?! We're fucking thcrewed now becauthe of you!"

Eridan stepped close to me. "S-Sollux please.. Calm do-"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! Thith ith all your fault!"

"Sollux, please just listen!"

"No.. For all I know.. You'll probably lie about thomething.."
I walked past him and up the stairs.

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