Death. Destruction. Tears. Pain. Blood. Everything he's craved to see while he climbed his way up to power. But...something didn't feel right, as if all of his senses and opinions washed back over him in one giant tidal wave. His brow furrowed together, and his eyes locked on something that almost made him cry out.

Deadpool launched Ira's own sword into her chest. Her gray eyes met Loki's as she fell to the ground with a shrill cry, and a gaping mouth. Loki bit the inside of his cheek hard and clenched his jaw. Moments seemed to pass and the bottle that once held all of his emotions shattered. He snapped, "This...this is madness. I was controlled by that madman and he pushed all of my emotions away. they're all flooding back to me. I never said I loved you..." Once in his childhood, he did. Once she left, she took his heart with her. Nothing had been the same after that, especially not after Frigga died. "I wanted to tell you he was using you, but I couldn't get the words out. He wouldn't let me."

I punched the ground and forced myself up. My limbs were numb from the cold, and my hair was frosted in snow. My heart forged its own accelerated beat as I pushed myself forward once more. I trudged through the snow and created a portal to the scepter. I snatched it up from the snowy ground; my fingers curled around the freezing metal staff. The casw protecting the power source had cracked, yet still held in place. My nostrils flared as I exhaled angrily. This is it. I'm going to fucking end it all.

This was for them. For all those lives that were lost in Chicago. For all the lives lost during the seize of DC. For the fallen heroes of today. I would avenge them all.

I walked up to Loki, my hands tightening around the staff. He looked at me with dark, baggy eyes, and didn't move. He stayed put, watching me intently. I grit my teeth and angrily spat, "You did this. You did this to them!" Loki didn't flinch, or smile deviously like he had previously. His expression was as flat as marble. I raised the staff and got ready to plunge it into his chest.

"Lilly!" Steve called over comms. He turned around from the sight of Ira's dead body, only to see me positioned to kill Loki. I stopped for a brief second, allowing Steve to speak, "You made a promise to not go out of control. Please put the staff down."

"And let him live?" I snapped at him. I wanted to drive the damn thing right through Loki's heart. Tears swelled up in my eyes at the thought of all the loss we've encountered. My fingers coiled tighter around the staff, keeping a steady grip on it.

Captain America jogged to us. The situation was dangerous. I had the staff. Loki was defenseless, but still had a few tricks up his sleeve. The solutions ran through Steve's mind on how to go about handling this. "You are out for blood. Do you think killing him will solve any of this?"

"Yes!" I yelled loudly. My body shook with each word I uttered, "Of course it will solve this! Have you not seen how many people he's killed? How many cities he's damaged? How this country is out of control because of him?"

Tony, Logan, and Storm rushed to catch up with us, but Steve held his hand out calmly, motioning for them to stop. Having more people would only make this worse. He set his shield down in the snow. "I have. That doesn't mean we have to murder him."

"He murdered our friends! My family! And you want to save him?" I didn't take my eyes off of the villain. I couldn't. Anger bubbled inside of me and I seethed with rage. I wanted his blood to paint the snow, just as every fallen heroes' blood had earlier. I felt the warmth from Scott's blood run cold on my skin. It had dried in some areas, but still soaked my outfit.

Steve's voice strengthened in confidence and he yelled back, "He needs to stand trial for what he's done! That starts with what he did to Asgard. He will pay, Lilly. Killing him is only making his punishment nonexistent."

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