CHAPTER 14: Ryouko versus Hiroshi Wakato

Start from the beginning

They turned their attention back to the game. Wakato's shots really were faster and far more powerful than Ryouko's shots.

"I see. Imitation, huh?" Ryouko said.

"Scared, little miss? Your techniques are totally dominated by me." Wakato told her with a smile before returning her ball again.

"Love-Forty." Ryoma announced.

Ryouko smiled back. "Let's see about that..." She said. A refreshing headwind blew towards her face. Ryouko smirked.

"It's a pity that nature is with me today..." She commented.

Wakato wondered what she meant.

The game commenced. Wakato served and Ryouko returned the shot. They were all startled when Ryouko suddenly went into a position very similar to Kaidoh's boomerang.

Kaidoh stood up. Can it be?

Ryouko hit the ball with her racket. It swerved towards the side and flew behind the referee's seat and landed on the borderline of Wakato's side of the court. Then all of a sudden they saw the ball commence spinning before it jumped up again, made a hop and landed and made another hopand landed before spinning into another jump, continuing its travel and circling the other side of the court before stopping right inside Ryouko's left palm. It spun on the surface of her palm for two more seconds before she gripped it tightly.

Everyone's jaw dropped. What the heck was that? There was a shocked silence before the Seigaku team members broke into a cheer.

"What was that?" Oishi asked.

"I thought it was Kaidoh's boomerang, but then it wasn't." Kawamura said in surprise.

"Combination technique. Revolving B." Ryouko said.

"Combination technique?" Momoshiro echoed.

"As I've thought." Fuji said.

"Senpai?" The freshmen said.

"Try to remember the shot closely..." Fuji suddenly said. "What shots did it seem similar to?"

"Kaidoh's boomerang. But then when she caught the ball in her hand, it looked uncanningly similar to Fuji's hakugei." Kikumaru said thoughtfully.

"And then the way that it travelled... Making a large letter B on the opponent's back court." Fuji continued.

"That's right! Echizen's Drive B!" Horio exclaimed.

"The gists, feel and technique of all three: My hakugei, Kaidoh's boomerang, and Echizen's Drive B." Fuji replied. "She combined all of those to make a new kind of shot."

"Amazing." Momoshiro breathed.

"So that was why she commented that nature is with her." Fuji suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Oishi asked.

"Hakugei is relatively dependent on the wind to carry it's course back to me. A head wind is necessary." Fuji explained. "That was the same concept she used. She made the headwind help the ball on swerving to the direction she wanted it to go. Of course she added an extra spin for that to happen and that spin was provided by Kaidoh's boomerang and Echizen's drive B."

Wakato stared at the ball in Ryouko's hand in shock.

"Fifteen-Forty." Ryoma announced. He smiled cheekily. This is getting interesting.

"It's my turn to serve, right?" Ryouko said and smirked.

She let the ball fly and out came a serve they have never seen before. She threw the ball far too high and jumped at the same time she threw it. Then she hit the ball the same way a smash is hit.

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