Chapter 2

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Dr. Adams had me lie down on a therapy bed that looked like the ones I'd seen in the movies. Dr. Adams had smile lines on his face. He seemed like a sturdy, older man. His light hair was beginning to gray. He was nice enough not to make me face him. He sat behind a desk and the back of the therapy bed blocked him from my view. His office was mostly white and the bed was a gross turquoise color. Before I sat down, I noticed that there were many pictures around his desk. They looked like they were pictures of clients. Dr. Adams' voice was smooth and understanding. When he began to talk I almost felt hypnotized. Before he began talking, he started a metronome.
"Therapy isn't for everyone, you know." He said. "But I'm glad you're giving it a shot."
Yeah right. I wasn't insane so we won't get anything done. This was pointless. I remained silent.
"All right, Miss Knight." He tried again. "Is there anything bothering you?"
"No." I answered truthfully.
"What was the last thing he told you?"
"Your friend."
I bit my lip, but decided to answer. "'Bell, Bell, don't cry. I'm right here where I've always been.'"
And that's when I broke. Parker told me not to cry, but I started crying right then. Because he wasn't there anymore.
The metronome stopped.
"Thank you, Miss Knight. This session is over."
"I have another client. Thank you. You may walk yourself out."
It was like waking up after a long sleep. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and stumbled to my feet. I trembled as I reached for the round, brass doorknob. Without looking back, I softly closed the door behind me.
I looked up and almost slammed my back into the door, but stopped myself before I collided. Two green eyes were less than a foot from my face. When I gathered my thoughts again, I got the full picture. It was a boy with dark brown hair that was teased up in the front. He wore a red pollo and brown slacks.
"Sorry." I mumbled and began to maneuver around him.
No response. I slipped around him and started for the exit.
"I- I'm... Je- Jesse."
I turned around. He was facing me again. I hesitated before speaking.
"Hi. I'm Bell."
"I'm Jesse." He said more confidently.
"Hi." I said again, almost afraid for reasons I realized were irrational.
Then I remembered that we were standing in a therapist office. I gathered my breath and found some patience.
"I'm Bell." I repeated.
"Nice to meet you." Jesse stuck out his hand.
I didn't understand. He just became totally normal. I shook his hand.
"What school do you go to, Jesse?"
"I go to Scenic High School. It's about five miles from here."
"Oh. I actually go to Scenic too. Maybe I'll see you around."
"I'd like that." Jesse nodded, but his face didn't change.
His face didn't change the entire time we had talked. With that, he spun the brass doorknob and stepped into Dr. Adams' office. The door slammed behind him.
I shrugged at the lady at the front desk as I walked past and pushed the glass door open.
"We'll see you next week, Miss Knight." She called after me, but I was already speed walking to my mom's parked car.

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