"It's a very nice idea," Maya approved hesitantly, "But I wouldn't want to impose on you Amy. I don't want to burden you with having the wedding here."

"You wouldn't be imposing at all," Amy countered happily, "If you would like to have the wedding here, Alan and I would not mind at all. We'd be happy to have it here, you and Josh just tell us when."

"We still have a lot of planning to do," Katy interjected logically, "But the game will be over soon, and we need to get you out of the dress before Josh gets here."

All five women hurried upstairs to help Maya get changed out of the dress, eagerly buzzing with ideas for wedding and having it in the house.


The women were sitting around the kitchen table drinking iced tea as they waited for their men to arrive home, along with Auggie and little John.

When the men returned, Alan, Cory, Shawn, and now even Lucas greeted their respective wives, while Maya found Josh out on the patio.

"Hey, Handsome," Maya greeted him as she sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he put an arm around her, "How was the game?"

"It was a lot of fun," Josh admitted, slightly bittersweet, kissing the top of her head, "But, boy, I missed you. How was dress shopping?"

"I missed you, too," Maya breathed as she snuggled close to him, "We never went to the store, actually."

"Really?" Josh asked, confused about what they did all day, "So then what are you going to do about a dress?"

"Your mom had already bought me one," Maya answered with a chuckle, "Riley got me to try this dress on when we were shopping for hers and it was perfect but I could never afford it. Your mom went back to the store before she left town and bought it. She's had it this whole time."

"Wow!" Josh exclaimed smiling to himself, not surprised in the least that his mom did that, "That was so nice of her."

"Yeah it was amazing of her. Speaking of your mom," Maya added, "She offered to let us get married here."

"She did, did she?" Josh responded with a chuckle, "That would work. We agreed we want it small. My family, your family, and some close friends. I think we can do that here in the house. When do you want to do this?"

"Soon," Maya practically blurted out, "I can't wait to be married to you. What about August? Maybe we could do it the first Saturday?"

"August? As in 6 weeks from now?" Josh questioned, a little stunned by how soon Maya was talking, "Can we pull it together that fast?"

"I think so. The dress is ready to go," Maya explained as she went through the details, "Having the whole thing here is another big detail done. The rest of it should be pretty easy."

"Well, I can't wait to be married to you either," Josh exhaled as he thought it over, "Let's do it. Let's get married, here, in six weeks."

"So should we tell everyone now?" Maya proposed, "Everyone is here. We probably couldn't ask for a better opportunity."

"After you, Gorgeous," Josh gestured, leading Maya to stand up and take his hand. Josh stood up after her, pulling her in for a quick kiss before following her into the house.


"We have something we'd like to tell everyone," Maya announced as they entered the kitchen together, everyone's attention on them.

Riley was seated on Lucas lap, and the other couples were all seated next to each other around the kitchen table, with Auggie playing on the floor with John.

"Mom, we'd love to take you up on your offer to have our wedding here, "Josh continued proudly, his gaze going from Maya to his parents and back again.

"We're happy to do it for you," Alan echoed Amy's earlier sentiment to Maya, "When did you guys have in mind?"

"August," The happy couple answered in unison, their eyes locked on each other for a moment.

"This August?" Cory immediately questions, "As in less than two months?"

"Yeah, we don't want to wait a whole year to be married," Maya answered very matter-of-factly, before echoing something Josh said when he proposed, "I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I want the rest of my life to start as soon as possible.

"We don't need anything big," Josh jumped in, "We just need some chairs and the people we care about."

"I'm so happy for you Peaches!" Riley hopped up and hurried over to hug Maya.

"Thanks, Honey," Maya responded with a sly smile and she hugged Riley, "I'm going to need my maid of honor to help me pull this together."

"I'm honored, Maya," Riley replied as she squeezed Maya excitedly, "I can't wait!!"

"Speaking of," Josh cut in to add, "Auggie, would you be my best man?"

"Really? Me?" Auggie questioned not expecting to be chosen over his dad or others, "That would be so cool!"

"You're my buddy," Josh affirmed his choice, "I couldn't think of anyone better."

"We should celebrate tonight," Shawn suggested proudly, "and then we have a wedding to plan."

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