
As Riley's labor progressed Lucas wanted their friends to know. He called Maya and Farkle, Zay leaving messages until he got a hold of them. He kept making calls until he heard a familiar voice from down the hall. His eyes followed in the direction of the voice till his gaze landed on the figure.

"Hey Huckleberry!" Maya exclaimed as she ambushed Lucas with a hug while Josh trailed behind, "You're going become a dad today." Her smile was about as big as her belly. Josh chuckled as he reached them which Lucas noticed.

"You laugh now, but this will be you soon," Lucas teased as the fathers-to-be shook hands before embracing.

"Touché," Josh agreed as the two men separated before asking as the every caring uncle, "How's Riley doing?"

"She's doing pretty well, and she is progressing but she has a ways to go," Lucas answered rubbing the back of his neck anxiously, "Seeing her in pain is so difficult for me."

"Can I see her?" Maya asked eagerly as she squeezed Josh's hand. Lucas nodded as he led the two toward Riley's room. When they arrived at her door the guys stayed in the hall as Maya went in to see Riley.

"Peaches!!!" Riley squealed as Maya entered the room, quickly embracing each other before Riley's attention turned to Maya's belly, as she reached out to touch it, "How's my little cousin doing?"

"Still cooking," Maya answered as she put her hand over Riley's, "How are you feeling Honey?"

"Like I am ready to have this baby," Riley sighed rubbing her belly as she felt another contraction coming on, "Ooooo..." Maya reached her hand out to Riley, who took it and squeezed it as she breathed. "I'm so glad you are here for this."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Maya responded squeezing her hand back. The two shared a moment until Maya dropped Riley's hand and grabbed her own belly, groaning loudly, "Uhhhh."

"Maya, are you okay?" Riley asked, breathing through a contraction, concerned since Maya wasn't due for more than a month. Maya didn't answer, only groaned some more. In the blink of an eye, Maya collapsed to the ground.

"Help!! Josh!!!" Riley bellowed into the hall causing a nurse and both of their husbands to pour into the room.

"Maya!!" Josh cried running to her side as Lucas went over to Riley and the nurse went for help, "What happened?"

"We were just talking and all of the sudden she groaned and then fell to the ground," Riley answered with a horrified look on her face. Within moments, a doctor and more nurses hurried in and put Maya on a gurney and wheeled her away. Josh followed them anxiously.

"Everything is going to be just fine," Topanga reassured her daughter before pulling out her phone, "But I should call Katy and Shawn. They will want to be here."


Cory nervously waited in the waiting room, not wanting to be in the way in the delivery room. Riley was a grown woman, and soon a mother, but he would always see her as his little girl. Even looking at Auggie and Ava, who still behaved as though they had been married for fifty years, made him nostalgic for when they were little.

Soon enough they too would be married. He was never good with change. The more things changed, the worse Cory seemed to handle it. His parents recently arrived at the hospital to meet their first great-grandchild, and, as it turned out, their newest grandchild as well.

As the time when by the waiting room became filled. Katy and Shawn arrived waiting for updates on Maya and even Jon came by. Little Jon who was already 3 years old was bouncing around, excited to see all of the visitors, providing entertainment. Farkle and Smackle were the last to arrive. They would have been in sooner but their work schedules had tied them up.


Some time went by and Riley was just about ready to deliver her baby, despite her protests. Lucas and her mom were at her side but she wanted to know how Maya was doing.

"Where is Maya? How is she doing?" Riley questioned repeatedly, quickly becoming hysterical, "I need Maya to be here!"

"I'll go see how she is doing," Topanga reassured her daughter, holding Riley's face in her hands for a moment, "You have this baby." Riley nodded through her tears as Topanga kissed her forehead before disappearing into the hall.

"I can't do this," Riley continued to argue despite a lot of coaxing, "I just can't. I'm not strong enough."

"Riley," Lucas breathe into her ear making her smile for a moment, "You have always believed in me. Because of you I can do anything. I believe in you. I know you can bring our baby girl into this world. You are stronger than you know."

"Riley, with the next contraction, you will need to start pushing," the doctor instructed her as Lucas offered her his hand.

"Riley you can do this. Squeeze my hand as hard as you need," Lucas comforted her, kissing her on the lips, "It's time to meet our daughter."


To Be Continued...

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