"Ugh, you are spoiling me Lucas Friar," Riley a moaned a little, enjoying all of her special treatment, "So how was your day?"

"Long," Lucas sighed, "I am so glad it's over and I am so glad to be home with my two girls." He caressed her belly before leaning forward to steal a kiss. "How was your day?"

"Good," Riley smiled between bites, "But I missed you. It's getting harder and harder to get on by myself. I can't wait for her to get here."

"Me too," Lucas beamed, "Speaking of, we should probably come up with a name for our little girl before she gets here."

"Actually I have been thinking about that," Riley admitted as she licked off her spoon, "I was thinking something a little French sounding but meaningful to us. Maybe a family name."

"That all sounds great," Lucas agreed," Did you have anything particular in mind?"

"Yes, I do," Riley answered, "Josephine Corynne Friar; Josephine after Pappy Joe and Corynne for my dad." Lucas sat there silently for a while as Riley watched his eyes start to glisten with tears. He wiped them away was they began to reach his cheeks.

"I love that, Riles," Lucas breathes as he smiled at her making her emotional which didn't take much with her emotions, "I love you for thinking of Pappy Joe. I wish our little girl could have met him. He would have loved her."

"I know that," Riley confirmed as she reached out to stroke his face, sweeping away a few of his tears, "She'll know all about the great grandpa she got her name from. Someday we can take her back to Texas so she can experience what you both loved."

"That would be great," Lucas responded softly as he grabbed her hands, lightly kissing them, "I hope she's just like you."


"Josh!" Maya yelped as Josh made his way into the kitchen with the shopping bags containing what Maya had been craving, "I'm so glad to see you!" Maya tried not to let her hormones get to her.

"Maya, what happened?" Josh gasped, a little panicked to see her sitting on the floor surround by crib pieces, "Are you okay?" Josh's worried look managed to push Maya over the emotional edge.

"I was trying to put the crib together," Maya started to cry, which quickly turned into sobs, "But I just couldn't do it with my belly in the way and I can't stand up on my own anymore."

"Baby, I'm sorry," Josh's heart broke a little to see how frustrated Maya was, but he also fought back a couple of giggles and how funny it seemed that she was stuck on the floor, "Let me help you up."

"I hate being so helpless," Maya barked back as she grew more irritable, initially refusing his help, "I'm having a baby but I'm not a baby. I should be able to do things for myself."

"I know you like to be self-sufficient, sweetheart," Josh responded sweetly, "But you are growing a baby all by yourself. It's okay that you can't do everything else. Don't you want to get off the floor?"

Maya nodded through the tears as she held her arms up. She put her arms around his neck and he put his arms under hers to help her up. Once she was on her feet, she embraced him tighter, burying her face in his shoulder.

Josh didn't say a word he just held her as long as she needed. He stood there just peppering her hair with kisses until he started to hear her make noise. At first he thought she was crying again, but Maya was laughing now.

"What's so funny," Josh asked a little confused by the switch in her emotions, not that this was new to him. Her hormones sent her emotions in a million different directions.

"I think I peed on the floor," Maya chuckled when she lifted her face to look up at him, "I wet my pants."

"You might be right," Josh answered, gesturing to the the puddle behind her. Maya looking behind her and began to laugh even louder. Josh just kissed her cheek as she kept laughing, easily his favorite sound. After a little while he offered, "Let's get you some dry pants and then you can have something to eat."

"Wait," Maya said before Josh got more than a step in the direction of their dresser. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly.

"We have such a strong baby," Josh beamed proudly as he felt the kicks and movement of their unborn child, "Just like their Mama." He moved his hand from her belly to her face, brushing her hair away from her cheek. He leaned down to leave a lingering kiss on her lips before leaving to find a change of clothes.

Josh helped her out of her wet clothes and into some of his sweat pants. He then helped her to get comfortable on the couch and got her some food. When she was settled he started to clean up the floor. He paused or a moment to look back and see that Maya had already fallen asleep.

He smiled to himself, as he finished wiping the floor off. Then he looked at the pieces of the crib on the floor. He was tired himself but he knew how much work Maya's body was doing as their baby grew inside of her. He thought the least he could do was surprise her with a finished crib when she woke up.

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