[0.2 - first day]

Start from the beginning

"Jackass?" Jack repeated in a confused tone, glancing towards Stiles.

"Jackson Whittmore," Stiles explained glaring at the boy who stood close to the redhead - who he assumed was Jackson. "biggest douche in Beacon Hills."

The girl managed to slip away as Jack smirked, "Guessing he stole redheads' heart and you're a bit envious."

"Strawberry blonde." Stiles said in an instant, "Lydia's strawberry blonde."
Putting his hands up in a surrendering manner, he looked towards Allison who smiled at him as Jackson and Lydia pulled her away.

"You should come to our lacrosse practice." Stiles offered, "You and I can talk on the bench as Scott tries to get first line."


"What's exactly the goal to this sport?" Jack asked as he sat on the bench as Stiles and Scott got ready to go practice.

"Get the ball into net." Scott summarized as he grabbed his lacrosse stick and inspected it.

"Basically field hockey." Stiles stated as Jacks' eyes widened as the word hockey. He differently missed the ice and the feeling of gliding across it. Looking at Scott, he noticed how he intensely began to stare to whoever was behind them. Glancing back he realized that both Allison and Lydia were sitting in the bleachers, as Allison smiled at the brown eyed boy.

Rolling his eyes, Jack stood up and walked towards a seat on behind the bench, knowing fairly well that Coach Finstock would have made him get up and move. He looked teasingly up at Allison and Lydia before he sat down on the bleachers. Surprisingly, he expected them to be chilly but they were rather warm.

Hearing a whistle being blown, Jack snapped his head towards the field as he saw everyone lining up and getting ready to make goals pass the goalkeeper. As the first person threw the ball, he realized the goalkeeper was spazzing out and reluctantly got hit in the face.

Scrunching up his face, Jack soon realized that it was Scott who had been knocked down. Soon enough, Scott got back up and began to catch every potential goal after that. Cheering him on, Stiles and Jack watched in awe as he caught the most exaggerated throw, thrown by Jackson Whittemore. Sitting down, Jack began to text his sister to inform their mom that he would be home later than expected.

The sun glared at the screen of his phone but was blocked by a figure of someone. Glancing up, he realized that Allison and Lydia stood before him. Standing up to meet their gaze, Jack realized that he towered over the girls. Smiling at the both of them, Allison was the first to greet him.


"Hey." The conversation then turned silent as Allison and Jack stared deeply at one another making Lydia clear her throat and step in front of Allison.

"We met earlier." The fiery girl stated, her eyes inspecting the boy in front of her. She was pleased at his taste of clothing and how naturally good looking he was. "Where did you move from?"

"Yeah, moved from a small town in Minnesota." Jack answered, "I didn't fully introduce myself earlier, I'm Jack Frost."

"As in-"

"As in the guy who made snow." Jack finished giving her a tight smile. "No relation, however."

Lydia lightly laughed as Allisons' eyes gleamed at him. Regaining her composure, Lydia stared up at Jack before asking. "Do you have anywhere to sit during lunch?"

"I sit with Scott and Stiles."


"They're both on the lacrosse team." Lydia stopped and began to think, not knowing either of their names.

"They don't ring a bell." Lydia said, "But you can always sit with us if they bore you."

"Noted." Jack nodded as he grinned at the two girls who began to walk away. Allisons' eyes lingering a bit longer than Lydias'.


Author's Note:

After years of being MIA I'm back so be ready for updates hopefully more often. Sorry for the long hiatus but I'm hella busy with school and the crap that comes with it.

I hope you like this chapter and will see more of Jallison later.

Vote and comment please! And thank you for those who did and left very nice comments and sincere love for this story. I appreciate it all.

Joss it out.

Jack Frost » Allison Argent [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now