Chapter Four~If Only I knew Now What I Didn't Know Now

Start from the beginning

Lucas interupted me.  “That’s why you don’t,  he paused and swallowed.  “remember me.”  He sat cross-legged on the grass and wiped his hand across his mouth. 

What have I done!  Could I really have destroyed this man life, too?  I must have known I was married when I arrived in Sherwood Forest, but telling Guy who I was, put the wheels of change into motion and so I lost all memory of Lucas.  It must have been because God knew I was going to change Guy’s life that I had to be free of the memory of Lucas.  Surely God knew I would come here, too.  That’s why he put me where Lucas was! But what about my father and brothers?  They don’t know me, but I still remember them.

“How is it that I don’t exist to my father and brothers but I remember them and you remember me?  I was in a quandary.

“I don’t know.”  Lucas was just as stumped as I was.  “What happened after you killed the sheriff?”

My head was starting to ache.  ‘Oh Lord, help me’ I prayed.

“When I shot the sheriff,”  Lucas had a confused look on his face.  “I had my 9mm with me,” I explained. “ and I shot him with it!  I ran back to the forest to retrieve my tracker and go home.”

I told him all about Marian appearing to me and our conversation.  She told me I no longer existed in the 21st century.

“The tracker was still charged and ready, but when I touched the ‘Home’ pad, I found myself back in the tunnel right after I killed Vasy.  My gun was in my pouch and my slingshot on my stomach as I was lying on the floor.”

“How long had you been in the 12th century by this time?”  Lucas was trying hard to hold back his emotions.  I was beginning to believe him, he was so mournful.

“About a year.”  I replied gently.

Lucas took a deep breath.  “I’d already jumped to the future so I assume I was not affected by the changes you......”  By this time we both were standing in the middle of that field I came to just to watch stars.  It felt like ages ago.

“You can say it, Lucas.”  I said, kindly.  “The changes I stupidly made to the continuum.”

Lucas had that same look that Guy had when I told him about Elliot.  Putting my arms around his neck, I whispered,  “I’m so sorry!  I didn’t know what would happen.”

He held me tight.  “I know,” he whispered hoarsely.  “How could you?”

“But I did know I wasn’t supposed to mess with history.  I knew not to change history but I did it anyway!  I messed everything up!”  I exclaimed, holding his face in my hands.  ‘My goodness’, I thought, ‘he could be Guy!’

“You look just like him, you know?”

Our embrace ended as Lucas was asking, “Is that why you fainted straight away when you saw me?”  I nodded my head. 

“I thought it was because you recognised me.”  Lucas continued.  “Then when you didn’t seem to know me, I...”  He didn’t finish his thought.  Then Lucas asked, “I know this might upset you, but will you tell me how Guy died?”

“You didn’t read all the history?”

Lucas replied, “I stopped reading after you killed the sheriff.  I have Guy’s book, if you want it. I read it and all the things he wrote about you.  I knew that he was referring to my own sweet Aylaina because he described your face and hair, related all of your antics and your strengths.  How you would climb the trees to defend the group with your sling shot.  I found the swath of leather with the drawing of you as a teen, with Guy, who did look a lot like me as a teen.”

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