002 ; pregnant buddies

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   Though she could admit that she was shocked by his answer, Hermione happily accepted.

That very weekend they went to the clinic to see if he was eligible. The two waited in a comfortable silence before the doctor came back, with the happy news that he was perfectly fine.

Hermione walked out of the hospital with a content smile on her face. Sev had already apparated home, leaving Hermione to walk the short distance to the Potter residence to tell them the news.

She arrived to the mansion, ringing the small bell on the gates. The opened and she walked through quickly, knocking the door.

The door opened to a breathless Ginny holding James in her arms. He reached out to his Aunt Hermione, who easily took him in her arms, kissing his head. He squealed and clapped his hands in agreement.

The women walked into the house and resided to the couch, were Ginny gave Hermione a look as if to say, "Give me details."

Hermione chuckles. "The appointment is tomorrow. He's eligible, it's fine."

Ginny squealed. "See! I told you it would all be fine!"

The previous day, Hermione had told Ginny about Sev's offer. Ginny was rolling on the floor in excitement-literally.

"Yeah, yeah. So what's your news?" Hermione asked, kissing the nose of the boy on her lap. He squealed again, tugging the hair on his godmother's head.

"Well- I found out this morning that your child is going to have a friend when going to Hogwarts!" She said with a grin, clapping her hands. "What?"

"Basically, Harry has to learn how to build a second crib."

Hermione's jaw drops. "Your pregnant?!"

Ginny nods, hugging her friend tightly. "Yay pregnant buddies!"

Hermione raises an eyebrow, but nonetheless laughs. This was going to be an adventure.

She didn't know if she was fully ready for all this, but as she recalls a teen on the street saying, "YOLO."

'Mione and Sev scheduled the appointment to be the following day, but in all honesty, she couldn't wait. She was going to have a child- her first.

"Are you coming home?" Severus asked her, making her jump out of her thoughts. "Actually, I think I might roam the hospital a bit. I'll see you soon."

He nodded after she kissed his cheek, and disappeared with a crack. Hermione walked down the white walled hallways.

   She stopped by a large window, peering into it. Thirty newborns slept peacefully, all except one. He gurgled up at her with a silly smile, his hands reaching up to grab her.

   Hermione smiled and placed her finger on the glass. How she wished for a child of her own. Soon. Very soon.

"Funny. He doesn't do that to anyone else. It's quite sad his parents are putting him up for adoption as well."

  Hermione jumped and looked over her shoulder to see the blonde man looking into the glass. "Poor kid doesn't even know what's happening."

"I wish I could just take him home with me," She sighed. He chuckled, handing her a bundle of papers. "Go meet with the parents, they're two doors down."

He began to walk down the hall, opposite of her. She stopped suddenly. "Thank you, Draco."

He waved her off, continuing his path.


"You seem like a good mother...so we accept your offer, Hermione," Noelle concluded.

"A-are you sure?" Hermione said, patting the baby's back. He whined.
"Of course, especially with Asher and Ryder. They're handfuls by themselves, we can't handle anymore."

It had only been two days later. Usually, in the muggle world, it takes much longer, but the magic world is much different. So, Hermione grabbed the baby bag, and flooded home, baby in hand, after naming him.

Sev was sat by the fire, head in hands. When seeing Hermione's feet he looked up, his face breaking into a small smile. "What's his name?"

"Owen Hugo Granger. "

I know this is short and I apologize for that. I have zero inspiration but I knew you guys needed an update.

What are your thoughts? Baby Names? Any other predictions?

Please leave some great Marauders Era fanfics, bc I desperately need more.

Airine xo

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