"I see you're already getting cozy with your new roommate," the guy says. I bring my arm down and see his silhouette. I feel my friend tense up beside me and squeeze my hand.

"Shut up," my friend growls. The man steps forward until he is right in front of us. I look up and see him. He is massive, completely ripped. Tattoos are up and down his arms and some peek out of this tee shirt. His blonde hair buzzed, that goes with his icy blue eyes. He rears back his hand, and even before I realize what is going on, I hear that smacking sound of a hand on flesh. I look over and see a massive red mark on my friend's face.

"Hey? What was that for!?" I blurt out. The man turns his attention to me.

"I wouldn't talk to me like that, Sweetheart. I have the ability to make you wish you were dead in a heartbeat." He sounds dead serious, but I still don't believe it.

"One, my name isn't 'Sweetheart.' And two, really? I'm not scared by your empty threats."

"They, they can-" My friend says

"Shut up!" The man yells. He proceeds to bend down in front of me and grab my wrists. It burns where his hands touch the place that was raw from the shackle. I feel blood start running down my arms. I feel tears trying to come, but I don't let them.

"Does this look like an empty threat to you? Does it? Answer me damnit!?" I shake my head.

"No," I whisper, knowing any louder would make tears fall.

"Say it like you mean it!" He squeezes harder.

"No," I say, the tears already falling. He releases the pressure on my wrists. He stands up and wipes his hands on his jeans. He looks straight into my eyes. His ice blue eyes piercing.

"You may have hope now, but I will strip you of that. You will look swallowed eyed. You'll want to die, but I'll keep you here. I will make you scream until your lungs give out," He turns around and leaves the room. I look down to my wrists. My arms to my hands were soaked in blood.

"You're such an idiot you know that?" My friend says. I don't answer him. I look down at the ground. I hear his scoot away to the corner, then come back.

"Turn and face me please," he says. I don't look up but still turn around to face him. He take my arm and I yelp out in pain.

"I don't get how they can be so bad when I've only been here a few hours," I say

"You haven't. You've been passed out for a few days." WHAT!?


"Yeah..." He takes a bottle of water from behind his back and opens it. He keeps a firm grip on my arm as he pours the water on it. It doesn't hurt until the water reaches the fresh wound. I try to jerk away, but my just tightens his grip. He cleans off all the blood, then does the same for the other hand.

"You know what I realized, I don't even know your name," I say. He releases my arms.

"I don't know my name either..." I see the sadness in his eyes.

"Well.... What if we pick our names?" I study him. His hair is a dark brown, but it's caked with dirt. His eyes are a bluish-green, but contain some kind of sadness. His face is shallow as if he hasn't eaten well in a while, and I guess he hasn't.


"Ok, you first. What do you want your name to be?"

"But, I don't even know what I look like."

"I doesn't matter what you look like, your name doesn't have to suit your looks." He thinks for a few minutes.

"What about Grant? I kinda like that name." A big smile spreads across my face.

"Oh I like it! Now my turn." I think. I want something unique but cool. Loads of names cross my mind, but one sticks with me.

"Ralyn. R-A-L-Y-N*." 

"Its beautiful" I guess so.

"What do they do to us here?" I ask. He takes a deep breath.

"Terrible things... I'm sorry." The thing was he sounded genuinely sorry.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Its... just forget it."

I didn't speak for the rest of the night or day, or whatever time it is. Grant eventually fell asleep, his slow breaths lulling me to sleep. 

~[Pronounced Rah-lyn]~

RG <-- Not a good nameWhere stories live. Discover now