Anyone else?

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Anyone else starting to hate writing on this site? Honestly, I feel like it's no fun anymore. The popular authors take all the lime light and glory where as the unpopular authors that have talent (ehem, FandomTrash13 ) don't get any attention at all! Seriously, on my other account, I've tried everything I could think of but no one gives me the time of day. I know I've said this before but I've watched something rather interesting happen earlier today. I updated a chapter on that account and in five days it got 130 reads and 22 votes but once a "popular" author updated an author's note, and in two hours it had 2,000 votes! Like what the actual heck? I know I work hard on them, I know I develop characters, I know I plan my plot just like they do! But what do they have that I don't? Connections. Do I have to die to get noticed?

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