More Spencer

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(17 year old) Spencer~>

(5 years old)

Spencer's First Day of Kindergarten

"No go! No! You no make me!" Spencer screamed and shouted at his adoptive parents as they struggled to pull him out of the car seat. Thomas had to unbuckle him while Kate had to grab his waist, pulling him out quickly.

"I no go!" Spencer shouted and kicked at his parents. Thomas and Kate could only cover their faces as best as possible and carry him inside the school.
As they walked across the parking lot to the school, they were met with both confused and annoyed stares from other parents. They smiled apologetically before rushing inside, sitting Spencer down on his feet. Spencer crossed his arms and sat on the floor, angrily.

"I. No. Go." He said and Kate sighed.

"I don't know what we're going to do, Thomas. He just won't go. Maybe we should just homeschool him?" Kate questioned and Thomas sighed while nodding.

"Hi! I'm Miranda! That's M. I. R. A. N. D. A! What's your name?" A tiny voice asked talking to Spencer and he uncrossed his arms looking at the young girl that looked around the age of five.

"I'm Spencer." He told her and she smiled.

"That's S. P. E. N. C. E. R! Right?" She asked and he nodded. Kate and Thomas smiling while watching it all take place.

"Yeah, how you learn to do that?" Spencer asked and Miranda pointed towards her classroom behind her, which also just so happened to be
Spencer's as well.

"In there! Wanna learn too?" She asked him and he nodded. She grabbed his hand and he stood up.

"Well then, let's go!" She said dragging him away and Spencer smiled following her. They ran inside the room and the door began to close. Kate dropped a few tears before hugging Thomas for comfort and a small voice called to them. They glanced up to see Spencer waving happily and their smiles grew wide.

"Bye bye Mommy! Bye bye Daddy! Love you!" Spencer called and the door shut.

"We love you to, son." Kate said and they walked out of the school, wide smiles and teary eyes.

You asked for more of Spencer so there you go! He's my first "straight" OC.

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