A few seconds later, we came to a stop and Cisco walked in front of me. "Okay, so Caitlin is right in here, wait for my signal." He quietly said, walking backwards into what was probably the main room.

"Got it, boss." I nodded my head and I gave Cisco a salute before I refolded my hand in my lap. "But uh... what's the signal?"

Cisco stopped walking for a second, shrugging after about three seconds of thinking. "Don't know. I'll say something like 'we have a visitor' or something."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Okay. Got it. Now go do your... whatever it is you do." I said, waving him off to the room.

Cisco gave me two thumbs up before he spun around and he practically skipped into the other room. "Hey, Caitlin what're—"

"Cisco, somethings wrong." Came the familiar voice of Caitlin Snow, but she sounded very worried. "Barry's not picking up."

"What?" I heard Cisco question. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that Barry isn't picking up on his com-link." Caitlin replied, and the sound of frantic typing soon followed.

Hurrying footsteps faded off, so I assumed that Cisco walked farther into the room. "Barry, can you hear me? Barry?"

"There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he's not answer." Caitlin stated, and I heard more footsteps. "Barry!"

Wow, this Barry guy must be pretty important for them to be worrying so much about him. Wait, is Caitlin and this Barry guy dating? Dude, why didn't she tell me?!

Suddenly, a large gust of wind blew past me, making my hair fly in almost every direction. I managed to catch a glimpse of a yellow flash, but that was really all that I saw.


"Don't ask." Another voice spoke up, and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I slowly wheeled myself closer to the room, but I stopped just before the entrance.

"I'm gonna ask." I heard Cisco say in a tight voice. "Where's my suit?"

Someone else, the other person, let out a sigh before answering. "It's... gone." They said.

"What do you mean it's gone?" Cisco questioned again, he sounded a bit upset. "What did you do with my suit?"

"It blew up, dude." The other person spoke, and my eyes widened at the statement. "I managed to get out of it before it went kaboom."

"My suit... went kaboom." Ciscos voice was full of disbelief, and to be completely honest, I didn't really believe that either.

"Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci." The other person spoke up again. "She's not carrying bombs."

Again, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What does Bette have to do with this, and why would she be carrying, or even have anything to do with bombs again?

"She touched the emblem on the suit and it turned into a bomb." Again, the other person spoke. "She's a metahuman." Seriously, what in the world is going on?

"With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact." Some other voice spoke up, but this one I recognized.

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