Part Five

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Peter groaned when he woke to his phone buzzing on his nightstand. He rubbed his eyes and slowly reached out for it, frowning when he saw that it was 3AM, though he couldn't help but smile a little as he saw the caller. 

"Wade.. It's three AM. Whats wrong? Has something happened?" He asked, his voice laced with sleep

"No" Wade replied simply. When Peter didn't reply he continued "I just couldn't sleep. I missed you.. so.. I'm downstairs"

Peter couldn't help it as the smile grew into a grin. He pushed back the covers and padded over to the window, switching on and off the lamp on his desk so Wade would see that light "Come up.. See the light flashing. That's me" He explained and sure enough within a few seconds Wade had zapped up to him, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.  

Peter leaned back into him, stroking the arm around his wasit "You shouldnt be here.. I mean we only had our first date six hours ago"

Wade nodded "I'll leave then.. If you want me to" He pulled his arms away only to have Peter turn and grab them again "No.. I didn't say that. I just said you shouldn't"

Wade smiled as Peter pulled him back to his bed happily snuggling down under the covers with him "Is this what you wanted?" Peter asked yawning to which Wade nodded "Yeah.. definitely. I reckon I could sleep now"

Peter smiled sleepily shifting so he was nuzzled up against Wades side "I don't normally do this with guys I've technically only known for two days"

Wade chuckled quietly wrapping his arm over Peters shoulders "I should hope not. I hope I'm the only guy you're doing this with"

Peter nodded looking up to him "You're definitely the only guy I'm doing this with. Only guy I want to do this with" he mumbled as he rest his head on Wades chest 

Wade smiled carding his fingers through Peters brown hair "Good" He mumbled both of them soon falling asleep legs entangled.

 "Peter! Breakfast!" Steve called as he tipped even more pancakes onto the huge stack he already had on a plate. He looked to Tony who was sitting on the sofa Stark pad in one hand, mug of coffee in the other sipping it as he worked through some blueprints. "Tony! WIll you go get your son please? You know what he's like if he doesn't eat breakfast. He won't eat all day and then he'll get grumpy and I for one do not want to deal with a grumpy love stricken teenager today" Tony grumbled but slowly stood and walked upstairs "Peter get your ass downstairs before your father gives himself an anyeruism over you not eating breakfast" He called knocking once before he opened the door, freezing as he saw his son, still dead asleep, still draped over a boy. 

Tonys face went red with anger as he stood in the doorway "PETER PARKER-STARK-ROGERS GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW!" He yelled making Peter jump awake "Wha?" He looked around and froze as soon as he saw his dad, one hand reaching back to shake Wade awake who grumbled but begrudingly woke up and looked around. Tony stalked forward and grabbed Peter by the ear dragging him out of the room and downstairs all the while Peter was whining in pain. 

"Shit" Wade jumped up and shoved his legs through his jeans and ran downstairs after him, Steve who had heard all the commotion was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He went to say something but stopped himself when he saw Wade. The mercernary. The boy that Shield was always complaining about, the one that himself and most of the Avengers had had to sort out on more than one occasion. 

Tony shoved his son down onto the sofa and turned to finally get a good look at the boy he'd found his son with "No" He said as soon as he got a proper look at who it was "You're not dating Wade Wilson. I won't have it, I will not have my son date a gun for hire! I mean really Peter out of the eight million people in New York you had to choose Wade fucking Wilson?!"

Peter flinched as his dad shouted "I didn't choose to date him dad. I mean it's not like I held auditions for a boyfriend I just knew as soon as I saw him. You can't stop me dating him, whatever you say will not stop me seeing him" By now Peter had stood and moved to take Wades hand who accepted it instantly. 

"Yes we can young man! You still live under our roof and you're still underage. So yes. We can stop you seeing him if we wanted to" Steve stated moving to Tonys side "How the hell did you even meet him? You said you met him on the street. Do you often meet mercernarys on the street? Just bump into them when you're out getting coffee or a hot dog?" Steve asked Peter going quiet as he stared at his and Wades entwined fingers. "Well?! How did you meet him Peter? How? How long have you known him?"

"I met him three weeks ago when I sliced my leg open and he stitched it up! Happy now?" Wade frowned and shook his head "Peter don't"

Steve and Tony both paused and looked to him curiously "Stitched your leg up? Why?"

"Because I'm Spiderman! I'm the masked vigilante you've been searching for. I'm Spiderman!" He yelled again

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