Chapter Eight: The Ring

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Chapter Eight: The Ring

November 1st, 1910

"That was a waste of a perfectly good cupcake!" Victoria cried, bits of cupcake flying out of her mouth as she spoke.

"I do not want association with such a negative and arrogant man" I growled sitting back down upon the concrete bench, crossing my legs and arms.

"...I don't care about that! I wanted the cupcake!" Victoria groaned as her mouth finally became clear again, I smiled and told her she would get cupcakes later. There was a pause where the wind whispered through the trees and tickled the fallen leaves, pushing them into small piles upon the ground; Victoria turned and walked back to the edge of the pond, where the baby swan came up to her and pecked at the ground before her. Mamma Giry sighed and patted my leg.

"What happened to make you hate him so much?" Mamma asked in a quiet tone, I sighed and watched the sun light sparkle on the pond, making it seem as if there were diamonds upon the water. I looked down and fiddled with my ring for a moment.

"I was going to the store to fetch medicine for mum, I don't believe you knew this but mum had tuberculosis; the doctor prescribed mum several medicines. Now, mum, dad, Victoria and I lived in the country so everything was quite spaced apart, at this time dad was also sick with something called 'The Red Death' so he couldn't go to the apothecary to get mum's medicine and the doctor was on call other places also. So, leaving Victoria home with our parents, I walked eight miles to the apothecary; now, I had to stay awake most nights to tend to our parents so I looked far from my best! My hair was an absolute nightmare, around my eyes were black circles, and my skin was paler than it is now; I looked affright! Anyways, I was in the apothecary and I received a telegraph from Victoria that our mum was coughing up blood so I needed to come with all speed.

Naturally, I told this to the pharmacist, who worked very quickly; and then, he came inside. That day I wore a long, dark green trench coat, a blue, cotton scarf that my grandmother made for me, a large brimmed, dark green sun hat with a yellow band around the top, and little, flat, black shoes I just got from the cobbler, for it was winter and very cold. He laughed at my attire, but I didn't care, I needed the medicine; then the...he pushed passed me and demanded his medicine be made before that...oh how did he word it? 'Low life scum' ah, that's it. The pharmacist attempted to speak up for me, but that horrible man yelled who he was and demanded the medicine for his ailing uncle; he slammed one hundred francs on the counter and said that it be made before anyone else's.  

That evil man looked over to me and smiled saying 'Sorry darling, if you are indeed a woman; my uncle is very precious to me' and then I lost my temper. 'Well' I growled, my tone was very low 'my parents mean the world to me, sir!" oh, I could've ripped his head from his body that day!" I paused and Mamma Giry patted my leg "Anyways" said I with a sigh "the pharmacist finished his medicine and then walked to me and whispered 'yours is done, hurry and go home...there's no charge; go to your parents' so I did just that. When I arrived home Victoria was crying in an armchair in the was gone and mum was hanging on by a hair; I went to her and quickly gave her the medicine...but she didn't make it.

Her last words were 'I will send the Angel of Music to you, darling, when I am in heaven with your father. The Angel came to me, and I regret ever leaving not leave the Angel darling, it will be the worst mistake of your life; it was of mine.' then she rolled over, closed her eyes and fell into an unwaking slumber." I whispered, tears came to the sides of my eyes and threatened to spill over, Mamma Giry enveloped me in a large and warm hug, I inhaled her wonderful perfume which smell of lilac and ginger; she spoke soothing words to me and kissed the top of my head.

"Well, your mum is no liar. Christine never was; she has indeed sent the Angel of Music to you, Elizabeth, and he's watching you; right now! Rather, she sent you to the Angel of Music, calm down, sweet child, we don't want Victoria to see her idol crying, now do we? Exactly, now dry those warm tears and wear a smile, look at your beautiful ring, don't just glance at it; really look at it, Elizabeth, look into do you see?" Asked Mamma Giry in a soft, amiable tone.

Holding my hand out before me I stared deeply at the pure, golden band with large, shimmering diamonds; I saw myself, staring into the ring, all of a sudden, someone else appeared behind me! It was a man, a man in a ghost costume! The man I danced with just yesterday night! The Opera Ghost...the man who gave me this ring, the man who put a smile on my face after so many months of a frown. In the reflection he put his hand on my shoulder...then, in reality, I felt a warm hand gently hold my left shoulder; I was shocked and excited at the same time, all these emotions and thoughts flew across my mind at the speed a train flies through the country.

I kept my left hand before me, but my right hand went to my left shoulder and lay on the Opera Ghost's gloved one. I felt my heart stop as I felt a real glove and a real hand, his real glove and real hand; a wave of satisfaction and relief crashed over me, I smiled and it was reflected in the diamond. The Opera Ghost's hand tightened and then relaxed, then tightened...and relaxed; it was apparent that he was massaging my shoulder, this thought made me warm and made my heart melt (in a good way). I turned and caught a glimpse of a white sheet, then I turned my entire body to find that he vanished again! "But...but...but...he...he was...he was just here!

Not five seconds ago!" I cried, quickly turning to Mamma Giry who giggled and wore a smile upon her face, my confusion attracted the attention of Victoria who quickly walked over to us.

"Who?" asked she, I stood and started looking all around, craning my neck to see past the grape vines and apple trees. Victoria sat in my spot on the concrete bench, her cheeks were rosy and she was a bit out of breath from chasing butterflies and dragonflies (and pretty much any other flying insect...other than bees...we're afraid of bees and spiders).

"The Opera Ghost" said I with a bit of annoyance, peeking through the apple trees, I saw a bee on an apple and I quickly backed away, careful not to disturb it; Victoria echoed his name after me and started questioning Mamma Giry, who answered all of them with patience and a quiet smile. "Where could he have gone...?" I whispered placing my index finger on my chin, I whispered this more to myself than to Victoria or Mamma.

"Elizabeth, did it ever occur to you" Mamma Giry started as I scanned the Magnolia tree "that the Opera Ghost might not want to be found at the moment? Maybe, he just wants you to know he's there without him actually standing beside you" My eyes flicked over to Mamma Giry who shrugged her shoulders, I sighed and nodded; Mamma smiled and at this moment M. Richard and M. Barnabus came through the door and took up my arms, M. Richard taking up my right and M. Barnabus taking up my left, they were singing 'Farewell and Adieu'.

"Join in the shanty, Margarita!" M. Barnabus cried, I smiled and listened to what part they were singing in the song.

Now let every man drink off his full bumper,

And let every man drink off his full glass;

We'll drink and be jolly and drown melancholy,

And here's to the health of each true-hearted lass!

I then noticed that the two managers had stopped singing and were smiling at me, my cheeks instantly turned a light pink whilst the two managers chuckled "I know I picked the right soprano to be the Margarita!" M. Richard cried, my blush only deepened. "Well, Mrs. Giry and Miss. Victoria, the practice for Act III of Faust will be in half an hour's time, do not be late!" M. Richard said with a wink an a chuckle.

"W-wait, aren't I going to the practice? Where are we going?" I asked quickly, looking from M. Barnabus to M. Richard.

"Of course, Margarita, of course! You're the star of Faust! As to where we are going to...well...someone has asked for you presence...immediately" M. Richard said with a twinkle in his eye. At hearing this I gave a silent gasp and my mind instantly turned to the Opera Ghost 'oh, he's asked for me...oh my...this is wonderful!' I thought, a large smile crossed my face, and was only brought wider when we approached a door labeled 'Special Guest Entry Only'.

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