The Lovely Bite: 3. Goodbye Lasagna

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I huff out a sigh, my arms crossed over my chest. It's the next morning and I'm staring at myself in the mirror. Of course everything happens to me. I am well-known, pretty, athletic, every boy drools for me but now... I'm going to a Boarding School.

I swear to God if I have to wear clothes that they give me I am going to go on a rampage. I will not wear a skirt everyday with a button down shirt and tie. I do like wearing my leggings and jeans. I finally look away when someone knocks on my bedroom door.

"Adeline, can I come in?" Mom softly says to me and I bite my bottom lip. Should I let her in? All my life I have given respect to my parents but yesterday was the worst that I have spoken to my mom. I didn't talk to dad at all when he asked me how my day went either.

"Sure." I reply back while sitting down on the edge of my made bed. I didn't protest when dad walked in earlier the day and tossing a dusty luggage on my bed that has been sitting in the attic for years. Some clothes were tucked in it but others were spawn out around me.

Mom slowly walks in while shutting the door behind her. She stood in the middle of my room for a minute, looking around at my messy floors of clothes and other objects. Eventually she sits down on my bed besides me and looks ahead.

"You know, I'm not doing this to ruin your life."

"It looks like you are." I admit and I grind my teeth together so I don't cry.

"Honey, trust me I am not. If you pass the test you will do amazing things in life. I know that school will treat you well and it will be free." She pauses and turns to me. I don't bother to look in her eyes. "If you go there for college we won't have to pay. You don't have to pay for student loans at all. Isn't that great!"

"It's great for you because you and dad don't have to pay anything."

"And if we did, we'd be in a shelter home." I finally glance up in her glassy eyes while she grabs my hand.

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"Because I don't want that to effect your life. Your father has been in and out of the house a lot because he lost his job two weeks ago." I did not know that. I didn't really pay attention about my parents life but only mine. I was too stubborn.

"Wait, why? Did he get fired?"

"They had too many workers and they couldn't have all of them. Your father was one of them to leave." Dad worked for a constructing business since I was born. I just can't believe they took him out, he tries to be the best. That's why mom cried two weeks ago in their bedroom while dad tried to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, mom."

"It's okay, I just hope you understand now."

"I do."

"Great." She leans in and plants a kiss on my temple, caressing my hair while I look down at my chipped nail polish. She gets up to leave my room but pauses and turns back to me. "Also, Mr. Hansel will be coming to pick you up tonight for you to leave."

"He's taking me?"

"Yes, that's how it always been. Apparently it's a hard place to find so he will be taking you there." Great.

"I guess so, I'll just shower than come down for dinner after packing." Mom gives me a soft smile before leaving me alone. "I'll go for you guys." I whisper to myself while grabbing my clothing that I am going to wear and I walk inside my bathroom I have in my bedroom. Eventually I get lost in thoughts from the hot water beating down my bare back.

After finishing packing, I let out a huff of tiredness while carrying my luggage down the stairs.

"I got it." Dad says while grabbing it from behind me. I pretend to wipe the fake sweat on my forehead which makes him laugh.

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