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thirty six: mediocre

"anya, are you okay? you look pale. are you sick?" angad stooped low to look into my eyes.

i shook my head.

"did you fight with someone?"

i sucked in a breath and prepared myself for the worst. instead of answering his question, i threw a new one his way.

"your theory about the earth and the sun as fascinating as it sounds, doesn't seem to hold true to people like me and you. you know why? because we're fools wanting to disguise our desires into something else that we are not sure of. we have forgotten what it is to love one another, so we lable something as mediocre as this as love." i display the wallpaper of my cellphone to him before throwing it his way. it lands before him and i can see the picture of us through the broken glass.

angad looks confused. nevertheless, i continue. "you know the problem with the two of us? we tend to look in the opposite directions at the same time and expect to see the same picture. same result. we are so dumb to realize that neither of us is looking exactly where we ought to."

i wanted to go on, but angad interrupted. "okay! stop! what is this all about? one day you don't want us to be together and the next you don't want to be apart." i notice the nerves popping out of his forehand and i can say he's angry. really angry.

with gritted teeth he asks, "what do you want exactly?"


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