Chapter 7. An Abundance of Derek

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My eyes widened as I quickly cut him off, "Scott, it's not like that this time. I swear."

"Kasey," he shook his head from side to side in slight annoyance, "I know that talking about your feelings isn't exactly a strong suit of yours, but if somethings up and you're feeling bad again you need to tell someone so we can get you help."

I threw the sweaty and sticky sheets off of me and then hopped out of bed. My head was pounding as I approached Scott, but I quickly pushed the thought of the pain away and stood to face my brother, "I'm okay. I promise."

He held my gaze momentarily before letting out a sigh, "If you say so."

"I do say so," I chuckled, "I swear, I'm okay. It was just a bad dream."

Scott nodded once, "Alright, I believe you. Now, get ready so we can get to school. I have some stuff to tell you and Stiles."

As soon as Stiles' name left Scott's lips my stomach lurched and the burning in my chest returned. All I could see was him kissing that girl and seeing his devious smirk right before I woke up. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me... why would I have a dream like that? I mean, why would my subconscious want to punish me like that?

I simply nodded in response to Scott, and then ran to the bathroom so I could get in the shower. As the cold water ran over my skin, it only reminded me of how cold I felt when I saw Stiles kissing that girl. I hated that feeling-- whatever it was, and I really hope I never have to feel it again. I don't know why it's bothering me so much now, because when he told me he had feelings for Lydia, I was okay with it. I had accepted my fate and moved on, in a way. Now, with this new girl... I'm turning into a hot mess.

After I finished my shower, I quickly changed into a pair of light denim skinny jeans with a loose fitted gray long sleeve shirt, the outfit just made me think of my dream again. It was eerily similar to what the girl had been wearing. For some stupid reason I wanted to straighten my hair, and I know it's because Stiles said he liked it that way. And because I want him to pay attention to me, I straightened it. Once I had my jewelry on and applied my usual make-up around my eyes, I headed downstairs.

Scott rolled his eyes as he approached the door, "Finally, let's go."


Scott had been talking the entire ride to school, but for the majority of his rant... I was spaced out. My thoughts were consumed by anything and everything pertaining to Stiles. I've admitted to myself that I care about him more than I have let on in the past, which means I now have to admit to myself that it's a stupid crush that I need to get rid of. What good can come of me having feelings for my brothers best friend?

A piece of information from Scott that I had retained was that Derek had not been the Alpha like we had all originally thought, instead the Alpha was a totally separate being that wasn't even in the equation. According to Derek, the Alpha wanted Scott... more than likely to initiate him into the pack so they could create a bond. Scott seemed extremely calm as he relayed the information, so I decided that me worrying about something that he wasn't even worrying about was just unnecessary.

As Scott and I entered the school, my heart dropped to my stomach. I had a class with Stiles and I know for a fact that he is going to be upset with me after what I said last night. I crossed a line and looking back on it now, I understand that... but he just doesn't understand how I feel. A part of me thinks that if he was in my shoes, he would maybe grasp the situation better. Sadly, there isn't a way to explain that to him without me coming out and saying that I have feelings for him... which is something I don't want to do right now.

I entered the classroom and the moment I walked through the door, Stiles' head snapped up. We held eye contact briefly before he let out a sigh and turned his head away from me. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest when I caught the flicker of hurt burn out in his eyes. I swallowed dryly and maneuvered to my desk without so much as another glance in his direction. Scott took his seat precisely at the moment the bell rang.

The Other McCall ▷ StilinskiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang