Chapter 5// 'I hid a million pounds in the-"

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Dedicated to @alvin2007 for being so nice <3

Ashton Irwin as Ashton ^^

Enjoy x



Lots of them.

I have just entered the school building and every pair of eyes is on me.


Because the schools it girls are walking with me.

And because of my attire.

I can't cope.


"Zara?" Zaiina snapped her fingers in front of my face, "are you even listening?"

"Huh? Oh sorry." I faced Zaiina and tried to distract myself from the stares.

"Do you want to have a sleepover tonight?" Zaiina questioned.


"Sure," I smiled, "that will be fun." Zendaya began saying something but no matter how hard I tried to listen, I just couldn't.


"-and omg he said he likes me! Can you believe it?" Zendaya gushed and fanned her hands in front of her face.

"No I really can't."

"Excuse me?" Zendaya screeched. Oh shoot that was meant to be in my head.

"Err I mean I can't believe he said that, I mean it's so obvious the guy is in love with you!" I fake giggled.

Great save.

No that wasn't.

Shut up you, yes it was.

"Oh my gosh are you serious?" She screeched, "how do you know?"

Time to put those chick flicks stories to use. (A/N: sorry if that offended anyone)

"The way his eyes shine when he looks at you and he instantly smiles when he sees you." Zendaya dreamily sighs and looks up.

"Not to mention the little things he does to get your attention, he only acts mean to you to disguise his feeli- oh he's heading this way."

Ashton walked towards us with his friends and they immediately began laughing. "Yo guys look at her face," he clutched his stomach, "are you sure you're at the right place Zendaya? There's a circus down the street you know?" His friends began laughing until no sound came out.

"You look like retarded seals." I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"You what?" Ashton stopped laughing and looked straight into my eyes.

You should really learn how to keep your mouth shut you numbskull.

"Er..I....I didn't me-"

"Emma?" Ashton gasped, "why are you dressed like barbie?" He started laughing again, "maybe you can join Zendaya at the circus."

"Oh shut up and stop laughing like that, it looks like your face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork." Where was all this confidence coming from?

Ashton gave me a death glare and picked me up by my neck. "What just because your lame brother is dead now you think you can speak to us like that??"

"STOP LEAVE HER ALONE!!" I heard Alisha and Isaac shout in unison from down the hall, they ran towards us but before they could get to me Ashtom held my neck tighter and sneered, "Listen up b*tch, you may have those low life's Alisha and Isaac there to back you up but trust me, one by one they will all leave your side and then nothing can stop me from taking your life."

I punched Ashton's hands and tried to pull them off me but it was no use, my eye sight was becoming blurry and my lungs were beginning to give up on me. I was dropped to the ground and Alisha and Isaac were by my side, "I'm so sorry Em," Alisha has tears streaming down her face.

I gasped for breath and knew I was going to pass out any second but just to make things a little interesting I said, "I hid a million pounds in the-" and closed my eyes, before my brain could shut off I heard Isaac say, "where??" And Alisha chuckle, "such a drama queen."


"Will she be okay?" I heard Alisha ask someone, " yes she will just let her rest sweetie." She sounded like the nurse and then I heard a door slam shut.

"I can't believe Ashton done that to her!" Isaac yelled, "I'll definitely get him back."

"Be quiet Isaac you'll wake her."

"Good then we can find out where she hid the million pounds."

"You goof she was lying." And I heard a smack.

"Ow Ali that hurt like a bi-"

"Guys?" I whispered softly, "I blinked quite a few times to get used to the lighting, "I'm so sorry for choosing them over you."

"You are one idiot Em," Isaac chuckled and made his way to me, "but forget it, it's all over now."

Alisha ran towards me and engulfed me in a massive hug, "can't..bre..athe." I chocked which made her let go straight away, "I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"Yeah don't worry," I smiled up at her, "I'm so sorry Ali."

"Good you should be," Alisha said and narrowed her eyes at me, "I mean what the hell were you thinking?!! You've hated them for so long yet you choose them the minute they speak to you? Are you mad? I can't believe you would do that Em. She only spoke to you because of the amount of make up on your face and your s*ag type clothes you know. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Gosh you look like a plastic surgery went all wrong. Me and Isaac were there for you through everything! If Edward was here today he would be so ashamed of you, you promised you wouldn't leave let us down let Edward down." All this time I just say there and twiddled my thumbs, I did deserve the harsh words.

"I'm sorry," I croaked out, "I was just sick an tired of being made fun of all the time, of being a disappointment and a burden towards everyone. I know Edward would be ashamed of me and I regret everything I did so much please just forgive me?" I looked up at her to see tears running down her face as well.

"It's okay Em, do you promise not to do that again?"

"I promise." We hugged for a few minutes until a thought came to my head, "where did Isaac go?"

"I don-" Alisha was interrupted bye knock on the door, Isaacs head popped in and he asked if all the 'girly chat" was over.

He came and sat beside me, "Em, you said you hid a million pounds?"

This caused me and Alisha to laugh out loud, "oh Isaac," we said in unison and continued laughing.

These two nitwits are my real family.


I want to say that before I faint to see peoples reactions haha ;p


~Stay strong xx

~Tammy <3

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