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"No sir."

He raised his eyebrow at me and I suddenly felt very conscious.

I cleared my throat and began, "Sir, I am Raymond." I offered my hand to him and he shook it firmly. "I needed to talk to you about something. Could you give me a few minutes?"

"Who let you in without an appointment?" His eyebrows furrowed and he dialled a number.

"Did you send someone to my office?

I believe he doesn't have an appointment and I have a meeting to attend."

He went silent and stared at me.

"Okay." Was all he said before putting the phone down.

"I am sorry Mr. Stratford, I didn't recognise you. Please have a seat." He gestured towards the chair.

"Sir, I liked being called Raymond. Besides, I have nothing to do with this company." I sighed, sitting down.

"I have heard about your issues with your father, Raymond. So, what brings you here?" He asked me, placing his hands on the glass table.

"Sir, I wanted to talk to you about Ashley."

"What about her?" He clearly didn't sound pleased.

Where should I start with?

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

"I will stop being formal with you Peter and just speak what comes from my heart right now because I am so frustrated! I am so angry! There's this volcano inside me that's about to erupt at any moment!

What kind of a father are you?

I don't know if I have the right to say this because I haven't been in your place and I don't know what a father should be like. Damn. I even hate my own father.

But really.

When was the last time you talked to your daughter? When was the last time you hugged her? Do you remember it?

Do you have time for her?" I got up from the chair and started pacing back and forth.

"Now you'll have excuses! That you're getting your ass burned in this office just so that you can earn money for your family. I get it. Totally.

But is their happiness worth a few dollars, Peter? Do you think Ashley will prefer a designer dress over some time to spend with you?

Well, she will if things don't change.

Peter. Don't you realise that she needs you? She needs her father.


I mean, look at you! You're never home! I have known Ashley for about half a year now but I have never heard her speak of you.

Because she's got nothing to say. She's got no memories. No stories. No fun moments to share with.

Can't you see that you've abandoned her?

There was a time when she was broken. Completely. She couldn't trust anyone. She couldn't talk to anyone. If only you were there for her. With her.

But you weren't. You still aren't.

You've left her to suffocate with that woman you call a wife and that bully son of yours!

Wake Up, Peter!

Do something! For once, think about your daughter.

Think about her childhood. Think about those good days. Think about all those time you spent with her. Think about her smile. That. Hell. Of. A. Beautiful. Smile.

Seriously, I would die to see her smile.

But you don't have to die. No.

You just have to show her that you're still alive. That you care. And that she's not alone.

Please, Peter."

I breathed heavily, watching his horrified face, realising I had said too much.

I rest my hands on the head of the chair. His forehead creased. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but something inside me made me feel very positive.

"Raymond. Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

"Do you love her?"

My breath caught in my mouth.

Oh no.

"Yes, I love her." I said, trying to sound all the more confident and decent.

"Good." He said.


"Are you flying back today?" He asked me.

"No. I'm not going back to Oregon. I have somewhere else to be to."

"Well, in that case, I shall be heading home without an admirable company." He stood up, shook my hand and started walking out as his lips twitched into the slightest smile.

"I've heard you're an Actions Speak Louder Than Words kind of a man." I said as I followed him, grinning to myself.

He told the receptionist to book a flight for him to Oregon and asked her to send a car for me to drop me wherever it was that I wanted to go.

"Thank you for coming here, Raymond." He said before leaving.

I was thrilled. It felt great.

(A/N : Comments? Votes? What do you think of Raymond? Let me know.)

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