Start from the beginning

"Great," I rolled my eyes. 

"Alright," Eve sighed. "Do you want me to go and get them?"

"They're in the house down the street," Lilith told her. Eve left my house and Lilith turned to look at me again. "These guys, they're Hunters like me. But they're hard, and dangerous. Do not tell them about Harley. Do you understand me Alex?" 

"But..." I started. I was going to ask what I should do about Lincoln. But if Lilith didn't know, how could these other Hunters know? "Yeah, I understand."

After a while, Eve returned. Behind her followed three men. The tallest had dark skin and a pointed chin. He had thick black dreadlocks pulled into a ponytail and dark brown eyes. The next was shorter, but only just. He had skin just lighter then the first, but they looked almost identical. The third couldn't have been much older then me. 

"So this is the Anchor," the second man smirked. 

"My name is Alex," I spat. I saw the third man snicker, and glared at him.

"Hello Alex," the first nodded, "my name's Louie, this is my partner Sam, and my son, Tyler."

"It's good to see you again Louie," Lilith grinned. "How long has it been?"

"Too long," Louie chuckled and took a seat next to her. Sam sat down as well, but Tyler stayed standing where he was.

"So what are we looking at here Lil?" Sam asked. 

"This town," she informed them, "this town is infested with the Supernatural. For the most part they're claiming to be here to protect Alex." 

"But it's the Supernatural," Louie scoffed. "They are only doing it because they can get something out of it." 

"I'm going to go and check on Jones," Eve told Lilith quietly. "He said he was going to meet up with some friends but-"

"Good idea," Lilith agreed. "Why don't you take Ty with you?"

"Ty doesn't want to come with me," Eve rolled her eyes.

"It beats staying here." he muttered and started leaving. Eve sighed and followed after him. 

"Is Ty okay?" Lilith asked. "He seems a little... deflated."

"It's been a tough year for him," Sam admitted. "Eve will be good for him. He's always looked at her like his little sister." 

"So, I'm guessing that Jones is your brother," Louie assumed and Lilith nodded. "He's human?"

"Yes," Lilith said quickly. "My entire family is human." 

"Alright, tell us what happened yesterday Alex," Louie ordered me. 

"I don't remember," I shrugged. "Eve said that I'd been gone for six hours but I have no memory of it."

"It could be a bewitching," Sam suggested. "Like a curse or a hex."

"Do you mind if we search your room Alex?" Louie checked. "Because Witches have these things called hex bags. They are dangerous and if there are some in your room it may explain the memory loss."

"Go ahead," I nodded. Louie and Sam got to their feet and waited for Lilith to show them the way. When they were gone, I went to get a drink from the fridge. While I was looking, I heard a thud. As I turned to see what was happening, I felt a blast of heat.

Laying on the floor, enveloped in flames, was Blue. 

"Blue?" I frowned and took a step closer. The fire blew up and I stumbled backwards. Blue's clothes weren't catching fire. It was as though the fire was floating just inches from his skin, like a cocoon of flames. 

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