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Camz😍: Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!

Lauren: that was cute to be honest

Camz😍: Finally!

Allysus😇🙏: did some one say ally?

Lauren: wtf? Where the fuck did you come from?

Allysus😇🙏: Watch your language young lady. And I'm always here👀

Finah jane💃: ally stop being creepy. Let camren live.

Manibear: I was sleeping. what the heck is happening in here?

Camz😍: I don't know. Everyone just pops out of no where

Finah jane💃: just like ralph pops your kitty 💦👅

Camz😍: but I don't have a cat...and why would Lauren pop it..that's cruel

Lauren: oh God....

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