Chapter 40: Oh my GOODNESS

Start from the beginning

Both: (Stared at him)

Ludmi: (Came and sat beside fede) What's going on?

Leon: (Smiled) Fede, please do the honor of telling your girlfriend everything.

Ludmi: Tell me what?

Fede: Me and Leon have been discussing this for awhile so I went to talk with the teacher's in the studio and they might consider taking us in as teachers.

Ludmi: WHAT?! I can't believe it! I'm so proud of you Fede. Love you.

Fede: Love you too.

Leon: (Coughed)

Vilu: (Gave them that look)

Ludmi: What? Is our relationship to cute for you both to handle?

Vilu: (Purposely coughed even harder)

Leon: (Pretended to read a magazine)

Both: (Glared at them)

Olga: (Came with a tray of cofee) Here you go.

Vilu: Thanks Olga. (Smiled)

German: Ah, Olga. A coffee please.

Olga: (Sigh) When will YOU ever learn to make good coffee. (Went to the kitchen)

German: (Sat down beside Vilu) So what are you kids up to?

Vilu: Nothing really.

Fede: But me and Leon are supposedly gonna be taken in by the studio to be teachers there.

German: Really?

Leon: Yeah, I can't wait.

German: That's great. How about you Vilu?

Vilu: Me?

German: Yeah. Are you going to be a teacher there too?

Vilu: I don't know...

German: Why not? You're the best student the studio could ever have.

Ludmi: Uhm, EXCUSE ME-

German: Not now Ludmila.

Ludmi: ..........

Vilu: I mean, I already have my solo career and I'm just taking it slow for now so I don't know if I should be a teacher there or not.

German: I say go for it. You know what will make all this memorable?

Vilu: What?

German: If you, Leon, Federico, Ludmila, Camila, Francesca and all your friends become teachers.

Ludmi: Well, that's not a bad idea. The students would definitely learn a lot from a supernova like me... (Smiled)

Leon: I'm sure...

Ludmi: (Started at him)

Fede: I think its a great idea. We students becoming teachers at the studio will definitely be something not everyone can go through.

Ludmi: Besides, who knows the students and teachers better than us? We'd be like a role model to everyone. And I'll finally get the recognition and stardom I deserve. (Smiled)

Vilu: Maybe you all are right. It would definitely be memorable. I'll think about it.

Ludmi: If we all do go back to the studio to be teachers, we'd be the second ones to be ex students returning to the studio.

Vilu: Wait, who was the first?

Ludmi: Srsly Violetta? Are you that absent-minded?

Vilu: Uhm... Who is it?

Ludmi: Duh, Rafa Palmer. Do you guys remember him?

Leon: Totally.

Fede: Absolutely.

Vilu: Oh Yeah. I remember him. It's been a Long time. Wonder where he is now.

Ludmi: It doesn't matter. Right now we all need to come to a decision. I'm in if you guys are.

Leon: Yeah, we are.

Ludmi: Good. How about you Vilu?

Vilh: I need time to think.

Ludmi: Well think faster because we don't have much time. We need to tell the others too. See if they agree.

Leon: Yeah, I'll text Andre and Diego.

Fede: Yeah, and I'll text Broudey and Maxi.

Vilu: I'll call Fran and Cami and see what they think.

Ludmi: I'll go call Naty now.

Suddenly, they all heard someone rushing in from the kitchen's back door quickly.

Olga: Finally, you're-

??: Not now. (Rushed to the hall) GERMAN, GERMAN! I got the results back-

Vilu: Angie?!

Angie: Vilu..... Leon?! What... What are you guys doing here?

Vilu: We came to visit. What results were you talking about?

Everyone: (Stood up and Exchanged glances with each other)

Angie: Well..

Vilu: What Angie?

Leon: (Held Vilu)

Angie: Uhm... the Results of weather I'm pregnant or not....

Vilu and Leon: (Beyond Shocked)


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