"All your clothes" I say and grab a pair of panties and a bra. I shift back, while Black is taking a shower, and get dressed I my undergarments, skinny jeans, and a cream hand-knitted sweater. I step into the bedroom and I'm greeted with a shirt and pantless Black talking to his mother as if it were normal.

"Thanks mom." He says finally taking the plate from her and sending her off.

"Come here." He says walking to the bed and sitting with the plate of food. I walk over to him and take a seat next to him. He pulls me to his body and holds his arm around my waist.

"Eat Kitten." He mumbles kissing my neck and placing the plate in my lap. I take a piece of bacon and bite it, chewing quietly. I ate like I haven't eaten in years and when the plate was empty I was kinda disappointed. I noticed Black smelling my neck and swatted gently at his head when he breathed in making it tickle.

"Stop it." I state and giggle when he does it again. I cringe my neck away to get away from the tickling sensation of his hair and he chuckled a hearty laugh while lazily licking at my neck in a comforting way.

"Your too good for me kitten. What good did I ever do to deserve you. When we met if forcefully stole you from your home. I manhandled your wolf like a doll and invaded your privacy. I did nothing nice to you but you still stayed. You didn't really try to leave." He whispers softly into my neck while I look at the door, that is different than the door I remember.

"Why? Why would you stay when I've treated you so poorly? Ignored you. Yelled at you." He asks.

"Because I knew it was only a matter of time where you'd show your true colors. I could see the pain in your eyes when you stayed away or denied the bond. When you said you were only keeping me here to power and strengthen your would I could feel your lie like an asteroid landing on me at a billion miles a minute. The lie was so strong. But it still did a great deal of damage. It still hurt that you'd lie like that. But I knew I had to stay around and make you hurt in someway so you'd accept me. I knew I had to, not necessarily get hurt, but do something to waken your true feelings. Not just your wolfs. But yours." I explain looking at the plate on my lap and following the lines with the fork.

"I don't know how but my wolf knew that something was happening with you to make you reject the bond. She just did. She didn't know what. She just knew something was going on. And we stayed because even if we tried to get away from you. We truly did love you. We heard the rumors. We heard the stories and we heard of the attack. Of the cold hearted alpha. I guess no one heard of the curse and spell." I say and look at him.

"Or they forgot to mention it." I add softly and he looks at me.

"I should have tried to fight her." He says regretfully.

"I should have tried. I didn't even try and I should have." He says so sorrowfully it pains me to see.

"Everything's fine now Black. We need to stick together through thick and thin. Tell me of your problems threats and issues and everything will be fine. We are together now. We need to work together to be together. To be a whole. You can't have one tire to ride a BIcycle. You must have two. It's the only way. Love, love can only work when there is two. Not one. Not three. Only two. Three or more causes commotion and strife. One just doesn't work." I say. His eyes well up with tears and he hugs me close while softly letting his tears fall into my shoulder.

"You are a trophy with no price and one that cannot be won. You can only choose your winner. Let me be your winner. Let me have you forever. Let me place a beautiful ring on this finger and let me see you in white as you walk down the aisle with your arm hooked around your fathers. You are so much more than any man can ever dream of and I'm so lucky and happy to call you my mate. Can I be your winner? Can I be your mate? And most of all, can I be your husband?" He cries pulling back to look at me while my jaw hangs ajar. The words so rich of love and feeling it makes me want to soar. I've had boyfriends. I've had boy friend and I've had strangers. All trying go just have sex with me. But I've never had someone show so much love, passion, and feeling towards me that didn't involve lust or a sex-craved look. One that didn't constantly scan my body with a crazed look in their eyes that said justjump my bones if I didn't leave.

I didn't realize I left him hanging till his face started to fall with rejection. I broke out into a teary smile with nothing but love in my eyes. He's definitely something else.

"You haven't realized this yet but you've been my winner since the moment I saw you. You had me at 'why' when you barged into my room. You had my since day one. And you'll always have me. I'd love to be able to officially call you my husband. But you get to tell my dad." I say and he chuckles while kissing me. I could feel the salty taste of his tears on his soft lips. I never knew Darnell James Black could cry. But here I am kissing him just after he finished crying on my shoulder.

"I'll gladly tell your father how much I love you." He says and lays back setting the plate on the table. He pulled me down on top of him so my shoulder met his chest.

"Turn to your cute little belly kitten." He whispers and I giggle softly while turning to lay on my 'cute little belly'.

"What would I do without you?" He asks softly while placing his chin on my head.

"I don't know. But if we both lost our mates and met the same way we did. Do you think we'd still fall in love and end up this way?" I ask.

"Would you still love me?" I ask and he starts to think.

"I don't know. I can't say yes because the only person I ever loved before you was my mother. But I sometimes still lash out at her. But that was the witch taking over those times. But I can't say no because even when I tried to hate you and you tried to pretend to hate me it just made me love you so much more but that could have been the bond. What I can say for sure is that I love you now and I will love you forever. I will protect you from evil and I will be the best husband I can ever imagine being." He says and turns to his side hugging me against his chest.

"Go to sleep kitten. Your heat will intensify soon." He says softly and before I fall asleep I see his eyes glaze over into mind link. But I'm too far gone to wait for him to be done so I can ask him.

👆🏻👆🏻^^^^1995 words^^^^👆🏻👆🏻

1,000 apologies for making you all wait for so long. I know it's only chapter fourteen (for the proposal) but I'm thinking of making this a short book. Forty chapters max (maybe (give or take a few)) and twenty five min. I hope you like it and please. Please please don't take my idea of the proposal unless you ask or site me. It's my own idea. I've read many book but none of the proposals had what I wrote. Never and if you've read a proposal like that please tell me. I'll site the person but I've never personally read a proposal while the girl was in her heat and where he used that type of reasoning and saying. Again so sorry I made you all wait so long. I love you all. Chow.✌🏻

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