Nobody else will know

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(This is just a trial to see if I like it, warning I may delete. In this story Chad is 19 and Hayley is 18 in case anyone got confused. This isn't a serious story lmao, I just got bored.)

Hayley and her boyfriend Josh were sat on separate ends of the couch. This was normal for them. They'd been going through this rough stage for months. Sometimes Hayley would wonder why she wasn't through with him yet, but then she'd remember... she's in love.

They heard the door to the bus open and Hayley sighed in relief. Maybe an extra person would take away all the tension. "What up y'all," Taylor said as he got on the bus.

"Not much," Hayley said. "Are the dudes from NFG awake yet?"

"As a matter of fact they are. I've just got off there bus."

Hayley has been crushing on a certain member for about a month now. The guitar player, Chad Everett Gilbert. He's in a pretty well known band and has a girlfriend but Hayley couldn't give a damn about any of that. She'd promised herself that if there were any chance of them becoming something, she'd take it. The idea was insane to her though, why would a hot, cute, sexy man like him want some stupid girl when he has Sherri.

She got up to grab a bag of chips that has been left out on the side all night.

"You pulled the blanket off me you bitch!" Josh spat.

"Sorry, queen of England, but I don't actually give a crap! It's not hard to pick up a blanket off the floor. Mckayla could do that without moaning about it and she's five!"

"Fuck you," he mumbled coldly.

"Back at ya."

She got tired of all of this so she threw the chips at him and decided to walk over to New Found Glory's bus. She gets on really well with them and are due to go on your together sometime soon.

She knocked on the door and waited before seeing it creak open. She saw Chad stood there in nothing but boxers and his girlfriend, Sherri, in a bra and panties.

"Um... hey Hayles," Chad said awkwardly.

"Is this a bad time?" She asked.

"Uh- yeah sorry. Come back in an hour?"

She sighed and nodded. As she walked back to the bus, she could hear the flirtatious giggling come from theirs. She cringed at the sound, wishing it was her.

When she arrived she was greeted by an unfriendly comment from Josh. She ignored it and walked into the back lounge.

"Can you believe what a bitch she is?" She heard Josh say from the other side of the closed door.

"C'mon, dude, that's not fair. Hayley's our friend," she heard Taylor say.

It put her mind at rest to know that the guys didn't agree with what Josh was saying. Soon she felt her phone buzz.

Chad: I'm free now if you wanna hang? I thought we'd be longer but Sherri had to go.

She sighed and stared at the message she's just received. She was happy that she could hang out with him sooner but upset by the fact that he only wants to hang out with her when Sherri doesn't want to hang out with him.

Soon she replied with: yeah, I'll be right over.

She walked to New Found Glory's bus, happy at the fact she didn't have to stay around Josh a moment longer. She knocked on the door and Chad opened it the way he did before, in his underwear.

"Jeeze dude, put some clothes on," she chuckled before walking inside the bus.

"You love it, H bomb."

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