Chapter Forty Three// You're Right

Start from the beginning

Lacy stands up, moves directly in front of me, then kneels down. "You can't just sit here, depressed about how Nathan is leaving. Girl you only found out an hour ago and you look as if you can't last another minute without him, even though he hasn't moved yet."

"What are you suggesting I do? Hey? I can't change his mind."

"Why not?"

"Because, he's going to attend a collage, somewhere he has been excepted into. I bet all his accommodation has been arranged- all this money spent. He's moving, regardless of what I do. He may have considered staying before, but after I upset him, that was the final straw for him to pack his bags and leave. I am one of the reasons he's going; I cant make him stay." Once I had finished, the lump in my throat had risen to almost to the point I was about to let out a sob. Tears well up in my eyes which I restrain from pouring out. I can't cry over this!

"Paige, talk to him-"

"I tried, before. But I didn't know what to say."

"You're scared, I know. But what do you have to lose?"

My eyes spark with some sort of light, Lacy's words revolving around my head and brightening my whole face. "You're right," I begin slowly, rising to my feet. She steps back to give me space. "That's true: what do I have to lose?" I turn to her with a wide smile.

"You need to tell him how you feel. Tell him the truth about what happened with Josh. Tell him what the real you would say, because then he will be the real him, the guy you fell in love with."

"Thanks Lacy," we hug in the centre of my bedroom, a shimmer of hope warming my heart. "But... how?" We both step backwards with a quizzical glance. After exchanging a thoughtful look, one where my eye brows were crossed in concentration, Lacy's face suddenly lit up like a light bulb! "What?" My voice skips almost immediately.

"How about a big romantic gesture?"

"Pardon? A what?..."

"A romantic gesture," she repeats. "You said he leaves Saturday, right? Then go to the airport to stop him! Do it like they do in the movies!" She squeals with an outburst of excitement.

"The movies? That's actually a good idea," I nod with engagement, delighted by her idea.

"Do something to grab his attention," she advices, now hopping on the spot due to the fact she couldn't obtain her energy. I laugh at her with an amused smile. It was hard to keep in my happiness as well.

Grab his attention.

Then I got it, the perfect idea which will make him know it's me.

"I've got it!" I announce.

"Perfect. I'll find out when he leaves tomorrow, you plan out the rest. This is so exciting!" We share one last hug until Lacy tells me it's time for her to go home for dinner. I see her to the door then wave her off.

His flight is at 5

Lacy texts me later on that evening.

How do u know? 😂

I looked it up XD Plus I asked him...

I roll my eyes.

Great! The plan will work, I know it ;)

What r u planning on doing????

You'll see...

No I won't, I won't be there 😡

Hahaha! Tough

*Sticks tongue out*

Ugh, Josh has just text me

I go onto Josh's contact once I had sent the message to Lacy. The tab at the top of my screen had just told me he had text. But what did he want?

Party tomorrow night. Be my date

I blink in confusion.

Umm I can't

Why not?

His response was almost immediate.

Got plans.

You are coming with me!

He doesn't scare me- not anymore. I reply quickly then lock my phone screen. I have more important things to do tomorrow.

I will get Nathan back.

There is no doubt in my mind that once I confess my true feelings towards him, he will feel the same way... I hope.

I re-read the message I had just sent Josh:

We're over

Then I switch off my phone and go to sleep.


Wow! A lot has happened...

• Paige is going to stop Nathan from leaving (will her plan work?)

• She's finally had the courage to dump Josh!

• She may be able to get Nathan back, Pathan shippers- there is hope :D

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More coming soon... Xx

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