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"So, you're telling me Klaus cares about the baby now?" Elijah nodded his head. "And now your life is the most important in this family, if you agree to stay with us then we promise to protect you."

Valerie grew angry, "Not even an hour ago Klaus wanted the baby dead! I will not stay with people who are a threat to my child."

Elijah admired her bravery for a second and then continued to persuade her. "And now I've made him realise how important family is." Valerie scoffed. "He kept your family daggered in a box, who says he won't do that now."

Elijah sighed, "I know you don't trust Niklaus after what he said but I promise to protect you from any danger."

"And noble Elijah always keeps his promises." He spoke with a hint of bitter jealousy. Valerie glared at Klaus as he appeared. "Right, we must get going got to keep you safe and all." Valerie raised her eyebrows. "And who said I was coming with you."

"I did."

He then picked her up and flashed away, leaving Elijah to follow.

"You're a dick, Mystic Falls would be safer than here." Klaus turned to her frowning. "I think you keep forgetting that I care about your life." Valerie scoffed. "It's not my life I care about, it's the baby's. I don't want to raise my child where you're just going to use her for power."

Klaus could see her getting angry again. "Valerie calm down love." Valerie glared at him. "No, I'm going to Mystic Falls and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Klaus sighed in frustration. "Why do even want to go back there? To go visit your humanity less sister or your dead brother."

Valerie looked at him in shock, and tears began to well up in her eyes. "How dare you! You do not bring Jeremy into this!" Klaus looked shocked at his own words and looked to the floor.

He then saw Valerie try to leave and flashed to the door. Valerie huffed. "Get out of my way." Klaus didn't budge as she got annoyed. "Move!" She then began hitting him in the chest weakly. "Please, I need to go." Klaus heard the desperateness in her voice but still didn't move.

Klaus then felt the hitting stop and Valerie stood there with tears rolling down her eyes. The next thing Klaus did shocked her. He wrapped his arms around her waist in a warm embrace. Valerie almost immediately returned the gesture as if it was natural.

They stood there hugging for a while when Klaus whispered to her. "I won't let anyone hurt you, Valerie." Valerie smiled slightly at his words and hugged him tighter.

This interaction shocked Elijah when he walked in but quickly shook it off as he knew of their feelings for each other. "We may have a slight problem." As soon as Valerie heard Elijah she quickly let go of the hug and faced him.

"Turns out that Sophie's life is linked to yours, so anything that happens to her-" he got cut off by Valerie. "Happens to me."

Valerie gulped but made no comment on it. "I'm just going to sleep it off, hopefully it'll be a better day tomorrow." The two Mikaelsons sent a sympathetic glance her way as she walked up the stairs.

When she is out of sight Elijah turned to Klaus "In addition to the secret weapon he uses to control the witches, Marcel has assembled a small army of vampires. Working together, we can destroy them from the inside."

Klaus sighed. "And what of Rebekah? Has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the fun?"

Elijah shook his head subtly "She has made her disinterest quite clear." Klaus nodded. "One too many times daggered and shoved in a box, I gather? Or perhaps she doesn't share your unwavering belief that I can be saved."

Elijah protested this. "Rebekah may surprise us yet. After all, we all swore the same vow."
"I hope she stays far away. Because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability. One weakness that Marcel could exploit."

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows slightly "And what is that?"

Klaus looked sympathetic for a second then his face went blank. "You." Klaus daggers Elijah with the silver dagger. Elijah groans.

"Forgive me, my brother. There is no power in love. Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak. If I am going to win this war, I have to do it alone."


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